Scientific and practical activity

Development and maintenance of the Centre integrated database

The unified integrated database on oil and gas resources, infrastructure, natural recourse management, field development, oil production and licensing was developed and is updated at V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil.
The integrated database unified a vast amount of information on the subsoil of KhMAO – Yugra. In quantitative terms it equals several terabytes of data. The qualitative size of the integrated database is even more significant – it is measured by thousands of data tables, connections, programs, hundreds of thousands and millions of records on wells, prospective traps, oil deposits, results of seismic exploration works, licensing, field development, infrastructure and ecology.
Thousands of amendments and additions are made to the database every day, it is well-structured, organized, contains verified and mutually agreed data.
The integrated database contains various data:
• numerical information, which is represented in tables;• graphical information, which is represented in the form of geospatial layers of vector and raster data;
• great amount of factual information and basic documents.
Nevertheless, the integrated database is not archive, though it includes archive functions. To a greater extent it is an operative database, optimized for a continuous daily update, processing and analysis of data using software applications and an interactive mutual access for specialists of the oil and gas industry.
The integrated database can be represented as an interrelated complex of geospatial, relational and document databases which are a basis of computer technologies of data processing.
Physically, the database consists of two synchronized copies, situated in Tyumen and Khanty-Mansiysk. Operative information is daily updated and synchronized using data replication procedures through a special communication channel in both centers. The mass data exchange is performed using the transfer and upload of information when it is required.
The upload, control and access to data in the integrated database are performed using personal computer directly in the local network of the Centre. These computers have the specialized software which was developed in the Centre using the following software applications: Oracle, C++, Delphi and others. The access control of different categories of users to objects of the integrated database is performed in accordance with regulations which determine the information confidentiality level and access rights to sections of the database. The data store and management of data of the integrated database are located on multiprocessor servers of databases under the control of Oracle 11 and several file servers. The access to data is performed simultaneously from all personal computers of the local network of the Centre.
Nowadays several groups of databases (thematic sections) can be nominally determined as a part of the integrated database; they are the following:
• databases on results of seismic exploration works;
• databases on exploratory wells;
• databases on subsoil licensing;
• databases on prospective traps of oil and gas;
• databases on the geological structure of the region;
• databases on programs of geological exploration activities;
• databases on geophysical well logging;
• databases on oil production and field development;
• databases on ecology and use of land;
• databases on industrial infrastructure;
• databases on orohydrography;
• databases on geological models of oil and gas fields.
Specialized software applications and information processing systems, for instance the system of the creation of the State balance of oil, gas and condensate reserves in the Оkrug as a whole was developed on the basis of the integrated database.
Yakovlev Vitaliy Mikhailovich
☎ (3452)62-18-84
Scientific and practical activity