

February 25, 2025. The fifth season of the educational program "Leaders of Yugra Changes 5.0 " started in Moscow, which is being implemented jointly with the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Service. The purpose of the program is to form a unified cohesive management team in the region.

The fifth stream participants were representatives of regional and municipal authorities, the business community, and non-profit organizations. The result of the training will be real applied projects that are planned to be implemented and scaled on the territory of the district.

Andrey Grigorievich Kopytov, Director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsurface Use, was honored the opportunity to acquire new competencies and skills by successfully passing the competitive selection and becoming one of the 38 participants in the project.

At the opening ceremony, the Governor of Yugra, Ruslan Nikolaevich Kukharuk, noted that studying at the Leaders of Yugra Change program would be a step forward for each participant, both in their career and in working for the benefit of the region and its residents.

The photographic materials are taken from the official page of the Yugra Public Service Department (Vkontakte)

February 19, 2025. Valentina Mikhailovna Yuzhakova, highly qualified specialist in the field of stratigraphy, paleogeography, paleogeomorphology and forecasting of oil and gas potential of Western Siberia, celebrates her 80th birthday.

Her path in geology began in 1965, when, after leaving the Novokuznetsk Pedagogical Institute, she entered the Tyumen Industrial Institute. The profession of geologist was that determined her calling in life.

Development of V.M. Yuzhakova as a specialist took place under the influence of outstanding geologists such as F.K.Salmanov, E.A.Teplyakov, A.G.Bystrov, F.Z.Khafizov when she worked in Glavtyumengeology, in the West Siberian Research Geological Exploration Petroleum Institute and in the West Siberian Committee on Geology and Subsoil Use, where Valentina Yuzhakova rose from the position of geologist to deputy head of the Department of hydrocarbon resources.

Since 1993, from the day of foundation of the Center for the Rational Subsoil Use, Valentina Mikhailovna has worked here, first as a head of laboratory, then since January 2000 as a head of the Department of justification and registration analysis of exploration works. She was engaged in the analysis and revision of geological and geophysical information for selection of prospective oil and gas bearing areas and zones that are of primary importance for searcing for new deposits, until her retirement. She made a great scientific and practical contribution to the study of the geological structure and oil and gas prospects of the West Siberian province. More than 100 deposits have been discovered with her participation.

V.M. Yuzhakova was awarded the highest awards of the country and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra such as the medal "For the development of the subsoil and oil and gas complex of Western Siberia", the jubilee badge of the Ministry of Natural Resources "300 years of the Mining and Geological Service of Russia", the certificate of honor of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. In 2008, she was awarded the title of Honored Geologist of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra for her scientific substantiation of the prospects of oil and gas potential and the discovery of many deposits in the areas of the territorial program of geological exploration.

Dear Valentina Mikhailovna, congratulations on your Anniversary! On this special day, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude and deepest respect to you for your achievements in the field of geology. Your hard work, dedication and passion for research have inspired us for many years. You believed in the revival of the geology of Western Siberia during the crisis of the industry, actively participated in the preparation and justification of plans for exploration drilling in the territory of the undistributed subsoil fund, in substantiating models of deposits discovered under the territorial program of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region and successfully led the largest department in the “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use". Your hard work and professionalism have played a big role in the development of the geological industry in our region. You are not only an outstanding specialist, but also a wonderful person from whom we have acquired invaluable experience and deep knowledge.

On this wonderful day and for years to come, we wish you, dear Valentina Mikhailovna, good health, happiness, good mood and family well-being. May your life be filled with pleasant events and communication with your loved ones!

The staff of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use.

February 18 - February 21, 2025. The hearing of subsurface users on the results of work in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous region - Yugra for 2024 and plans for 2025 took place in the large hall of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsurface Use in Tyumen.

The event was held as part of the work of the Interdepartmental Expert Council for the Development of the Oil and Gas complex of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra.

The meeting was attended by 38 representatives of the vertically integrated oil companies and 43 representatives of independent subsurface users.

The subsurface user companies presented the results of the geological exploration carried out on the territory of the region in 2024. The plans were rather impressive: 2,700 linear km of 2D seismic were planned for 2024. The actual completion exceeded the plan and amounted to 4,272 linear km, including 2,872 linear km are attributed to regional works. For comparison, in 2023, 2D seismic exploration amounted to 2018 linear km (of which regional works – 1,077 linear km). As for 3D seismic exploration, it was planned to perform 1,202 km2, the actual performance was 1,188 km2. In 2023, this figure was 2,291 km2.

Exploration drilling in 2024 amounted to 389.1 thousand meters, slightly more than the planned 386.3 thousand meters. In 2023, this figure was 424.1 thousand meters.

The number of deposits discovered in 2024 is 39, which is almost half as much as in 2023, the number of which was 76.

«We would like to thank all the representatives of the subsurface user companies for taking the time to participate in the meeting in person. This event is a platform for interaction between subsurface users and government authorities and influences the formation of long-term programs for increasing the resource base and hydrocarbon production», said to participants Larisa Mikhailovna Zakharova, Deputy Director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsurface Use.

January 24, 2025. A ceremonial event dedicated to the production of 13th billion tone of oil was held in Khanty-Mansiysk! In honor of this historic event, representatives of the region oil companies filled a symbolic commemorative barrel with oil from various fields of Yugra, the major oil region of the country.

Ruslan Kukharuk, Governor of the Autonomous Region – Yugra, who took part in the ceremony, noted that employees of not only the oil industry, but also related industries, veterans and everyone who contributed to oil production and the development of the region are involved in this achievement.

Watch the video from the celebration of this significant event on the official page of the Department of Natural Resources of Yugra on the VKontakte platform.

December 6, 2024. The closing of intellectual tournament "Synergy: Oil and Gas" took place at the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas in Khanty-Mansiysk. The tournament was attended by teams of companies operating in the oil and gas sector. The intellectual battle consisted of six games, three of which were held online and three in full-time format.

The team of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre named "Testament of Ilyich" won the bronze medal in the industry competition. For two months, our specialists Babenko Anna Anatolyevna, Butin Vitaly Sergeevich, Vatamanyuk Evgeny Evgenievich, Grishaeva Irina Anatolyevna, Kozlov Igor Vladimirovich, Komissarov Ivan Alexandrovich and Sultanova Irina Vasilyevna performed tasks on logic and intelligence on industry topics. In the face-to-face stage, our team's rivals were: "House 56" (Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC); "Something on the geological" (Engineering and Technological Service LLC); OIL STARS (RN-Nyaganneftegaz JSC); VYSHKA (Yugra State University). The staff of the Center congratulates colleagues on the honorary bronze and thanks the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas for organizing the event!

November 20-21, 2024. The XXVIII regional scientific and practical conference "Ways to realize the oil and gas potential of Western Siberia" was held in Khanty-Mansiysk within the framework of the Yugra Economic Forum.

Alexey Gennadievich Zabozlaev, First Deputy Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra, opened the Conference. In his welcoming speech on behalf of Governor Ruslan Nikolaevich Kuharuk, he congratulated the participants on the start of the XXVIII conference and wished everyone a constructive discussion and successful work.

The event addressed a wide range of geological, technological, economic, legal, environmental, informational and organizational issues of subsurface use and the development of the oil industry in Western Siberia.

Representatives of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra, exploration, service and oil and gas processing companies, research institutes, leading scientists, specialists from Yugra, Yamal, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen took part in the event.

210 participants have registered to participate in the face-to-face format and 65 participants took part online.
In addition to the plenary session "Expanding oil and gas horizons. The image of the future of the industry" held on November 20 and moderated by Igor Viktorovich Shpurov (Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Commission on Mineral Reserves"), 5 round tables were held within the framework of the Conference:

- Development of the unique Krasnoleninskoe oil and gas condensate field;
- Environment and sustainable development of the region;
- Development of the resource potential of the Pre-Jurassic complex of West Siberia;
- Discussion of the licensing system effectiveness in modern conditions;
- Legal and organizational issues of core turnover.

The staff of the Center held open lectures on subsoil use, geology and field development.
On November 21, the conference was continued by sections with scientific poster and oral presentations on the following topics:

- Geological structure, oil and gas potential, prospects for the development of the resource base;
- Laboratory studies of core and fluids;
- Methods of increasing the hydrocarbon deposits development efficiency;
- Poster presentations section.

Links to view the recording of sections

The section “Geological Structure” was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the outstanding geologist Yevgeny Artemyevich Teplyakov, and the development section was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Igor Petrovich Tolstolytkin. Both anniversaries worked for many years at the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil and made a huge contribution to the development of the subsoil of Western Siberia.
A total of 77 oral and 10 poster presentations were presented.

The conference materials will be published in an electronic collection of papers on the official website of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil.

November 18-21, 2024. The Yugra Economic Forum was held in Khanty-Mansiysk. The forum participants discuss topical issues of the economy of the region's development, attracting investments, building public-private partnerships, realizing the oil and gas potential and industrial infrastructure of Yugra.

The V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre took part in the technology exhibition organized within the framework of the forum. The main directions of the Center's work were presented at the exhibition stand. Visitors could also examine minerals under a microscope, touch oil and find out how it smells, make a memorable palm print, get acquainted with unique publications on the development of the mineral resource base of the region.

November 14-15, 2024. The annual All-Russian session "Actual problems of oil and gas geology" was held in Moscow at VNIGNI. The event has been held since 2010 and is a platform for discussing issues related to the development of the oil and gas industry. The main theme of this year is "Exploration for raw hydrocarbon deposits in the Russian Federation: interaction between the state and subsoil users in the context of new legal norms."

The session brought together more than 400 full–time and online participants - representatives of science, oil and gas companies, service enterprises, as well as representatives of institutions subordinate to Rosnedra.

Yugra was represented at the event by Andrey Grigoryevich Kopytov, Director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil.

November 9, 2024. The families of the Khanty-Mansiysk branch of the Territorial Fund for Geological Information in the Ural Federal District visited the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre core storage.

How it was, see the video of Department of the Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of Yugra.

October 25, 2024. V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Resource Use was visited by the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District Artyom Zhoga and the Governor of Yugra Ruslan Kuharuk.

They visited the district core storage, one of the largest in the country, where samples from more than 5 300 wells drilled within the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region – Yugra and neighboring regions are located, and some core samples are up to 500 million years old. During the visit, the guests were told about how and why the core is extracted, how it is stored and examined. There was also a conversation about modern technologies and support measures to return to the development of the fields that were lately considered uncommercial.

(Photo from Ruslan Kuharuk's telegram channel)

October 9-10, 2024. The conference "Energy Leadership Resources: Science, Technology, Personnel" was held in St. Petersburg as part of the XIII St. Petersburg International Gas Forum - 2024.

The conference program was focused on addressing a wide range of issues of interaction between science and the oil and gas business, the contribution of fundamental science and applied research to suggestion the effective responses to global challenges and changes.

Fyodor Alexandrovich Evseev, head of the Laboratory of Tomographic and Electron Microscopic Studies, Chairman of the Council of Young Specialists and Scientists of the Center, member of the Youth Committee of the Russian National Committee of the World Petroleum Council (YK RNC WPC).

The following issues were discussed in the section:

• Studying the current problems and opportunities of the oil and gas industry from the point of young specialists.

• Development of initiatives and projects that will help unlock the potential of young industry workers, as well as attract and retain talented young professionals.

• Formation of the agenda of the International Youth Forum from representatives of Russia.

The conference participants discussed long-term guidelines for the development of energy in Russia and the world, related scientific tasks and areas of technological development, as well as staffing the needs of the oil and gas industry.

October 6, 2024. The outstanding geologist Yevgrafiy Artemyevich Teplyakov celebrates his 90th anniversary. The Honored Geologist of the RSFSR was at the origins of the creation of the West Siberian fuel and energy complex, he is one of the most highly qualified specialists of Glavtyumengeology, the organizer of geological exploration in the regions of the North.

He is a pioneer and participant in the exploration of large deposits in the Middle Ob region: Alekhinsky, Bystrinsky, Zapadno-Surgutsky, Lyantorsky, Megionsky, Priobsky, Ust-Balyksky, Fedorovsky and others. He has discovered 300 deposits in the Tyumen region.

"It was my second year of study when the first gas fountain in Berezovo "started talking" to the whole country. All the students were inspired by this event, and I firmly decided to go to West Siberia after graduation," Teplyakov recalls.

In 1957, he graduated from the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, and according to the distribution he got into the Novosibirsk geological exploration expedition of the Zapsibneftegeologiya trust.

"They sent me to the northernmost Nazin geological survey party, to the village of Alexandrovo in the Tomsk region. In September, F.K. Salmanov came to Alexandrovo and relocated an exploration party to Surgut without the management consent. This is where we met," recalls E.A. Teplyakov.

With the beginning of drilling operations on the Bolshoy Yugan River, Yevgrafiy Teplyakov was appointed acting senior geologist. He was to work in the Surgut expedition under the leadership of Salmanov. The Middle Ob region was studied very poorly at that time. Little seismic work was carried out on the Ob. No one could say with precision where the oil lies. The wells drilled in Laryak and Pokura gave only a general idea of the geological section.

"Young geologists began to arrive in Surgut. Yevgrafiy Teplyakov, Oleg Peregudov, and Alexander Shashkin were the first to arrive. We got our own geological survey, which was entrusted to Teplyakov to head," Salmanov wrote in his memoirs.

Unfortunately, Teplyakov and Salmanov made a mistake. The first well in Surgut did not produce oil. "Isn't it time to curtail work in the Middle Ob region?" reasonable questions were heard from Tyumen and Moscow. They were reasonable for officials, but not for geologists. Intuition told me that oil was somewhere nearby. A little more and they'll get her. Salmanov and Teplyakov bet on Megion. "When they decided to slowly wind us down, Salmanov imposed a state of emergency," Teplyakov told his friend Vladimir Salmin. – He called me and said bluntly: we have one chance – Bagras. Fly there – you will be both a geologist and a supplier, and also, I’ll hold you to account for perforation. I answered: understood, and went to the door. And he followed: don't forget that you are the commissar first (I was elected Komsomol secretary), don't hang your nose yourself and don't allow it to others..."

On March 21, 1961, the long-awaited radiogram arrived from Megion: "Salmanov. The well is blowing out. There is water with oil. The well was closed. What should I do? Teplyakov".

"Open the well, conduct a diversion to the lake. I’ll fly in the morning," Salmanov said in a reply telegram.

In the morning, he flew in An-2 plane to the drilling site. Sinking in the deep March snow, Teplyakov and Salmanov ran to the well:

– Open the gate valve! Teplyakov shouted to drilling foreman Grigory Norkin, who was standing near the well.

He opened it, and, as journalists described in their reports, "a tight jet of oil burst out like a genie from a jug. Everyone started smearing each other's faces with black liquid."

And the telegram from Salmanov was already flying to Moscow. "A fountain of oil with a flow rate of over five hundred tons was received in Megion..."

It was the first oil of Yevgraf Teplyakov and the Middle Ob region. Then he had other discovered fields - Ust-Balykskoye, Fedorovskoye, Priobskoye. Dozens of giant fields. When Teplyakov, already working as a major leader in Glavtyumengeology, came to the Moscow ministry with reports, representatives of other regions there were surprised at how lucky Tyumen residents are to discover deposits!

Probably, thanks to Teplyakov and his talent for persuasion, exploration works in West Siberia were not stopped. When Nikolai Baibakov, then chairman of the State Committee of the Chemical and Petroleum Industry under the USSR State Planning Committee, arrived in Tyumen, he listened attentively to all the specialists.

Teplyakov's speech, with figures and balanced estimates, made a strong impression on the minister, apparently. The characteristics of Siberian deposits are such, Yevgrafiy Artemyevich said, that they provide the highest return on invested funds. Teplyakov remembered the words of the minister, which he uttered at parting: "It will be a tough nut to crack, but we must boldly take oil!"

Teplyakov worked for a decade and a half in the Surgut expedition, headed the geological service of Glavtyumengeology for thirty years, then worked as deputy director for geology at the Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use of the Khanty-Mansiysk region.

He was directly involved in determining the growth and compiling the balance of oil reserves. He was responsible for calculating reserves for the Varioganskoe, Salymskoe, Kholmogorskoe, Khokhryakovskoe fields. The recommendations of E.Teplyakov on the direction of prospecting-exploration drilling, on setting specific geological tasks, contributed to the successful exploration of the Zapolyarnoe, Urengoskoe, Yamburgskoe and other fields on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region.

In 1984, E. Teplyakov was awarded the USSR State Prize in Science and Technology for the discovery and accelerated preparation for the industrial development of the Yamburgskoe gas-condensate field.

He was awarded the Orders of the Badge of Honor (1966), the Red Banner of Labor (1990), Friendship (2005), medals "For Merits in exploration of the subsoil" (1983), "For the subsoil development and oil and gas complex development of the Western Siberia" (1983), "Veteran of Labor" (1985). He was awarded the badge "Excellent Exploration of Mineral resources" (1984), the badge "For Services to the district" (2003), "For services to the city of Surgut" (2007). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1984). In 2022, a commemorative plaque "Stars of Ugra" was opened in Khanty-Mansiysk in his honor.

Vladimir Andreevich Volkov – Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Resource Use (1997-2020) talks about Teplyakov E.A.:

"It should be noted that Yevgrafiy Artemyevich came to the Center as a very well-known specialist. He was the head of the prospecting and exploration department in Glavtyumengeology, had tremendous experience. He is a very well-deserved man. His main area of activity at the CRRU is the exploration program. Here he supervised this work as a professional.

In different years, there were different volumes of exploration, while there were rates of mineral resource base reproduction, companies often drilled production wells under the guise of exploration drilling. Teplyakov naturally sought to ensure that these wells performed prospecting and exploration tasks. Gradually, this was achieved through the efforts of the district's exploration commission.

By the end of the existence of the mineral resources base replenishment rates, the actual number of exploration wells was brought to about 50%. 10% of the oil price should be directed to exploration: 3% to the Russian Federation, 5% to the company, 2% to the subject of the Federation. It was decent money, which allowed us to conduct enough exploration. The territorial program existed for a little while after that.

Yevgrafiy Artemyevich supervised the formation of the territorial exploration program in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region. Part 1 – the works at the expense of funds remaining at the disposal of the Region. This was planned and controlled by the Center. That 5% at the disposal of companies – the companies' proposals were considered by the exploration commission and thus the correct use of these funds was monitored. There was a licensing commission, there was a field development commission, a geological exploration commission, and a reserves commission. These commissions included representatives of federal structures, representatives of the subjects of the Russian Federation: Vladimir Ivanovich Karasev, employees of the Department of Oil and Gas of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region and employees of the Center, and sometimes oil companies’ representatives.

The staff of the Center played a significant role in the exploration and reserves commissions, leaded by Yevgraf Artemyevich. In order to properly organize the exploration program, it was necessary to carry out a preliminary analysis of the results of exploration and the results of thematic and research works that were carried out. How it was organized: there were three laboratories in the Center, which covered the territory of the district on a territorial basis: the Western part (headed by Belousov, then Zakharova), the Central part (headed by Rubina) and the Eastern part (headed by Eliseev). In addition, there was a division according to the intervals of the geologic section (Eliseev – the Upper Jurassic deposits throughout the District territory, Muher – the Lower and Middle Jurassic deposits, Rubina and Oleynik – Neokomian, Zakharova was engaged in the entire territory. This was the structure, it allowed laboratories to collect information on the results of exploration in the territory of their activities and these results were analyzed on an ongoing basis. This was sent to Teplyakov. In order to form a territorial program for the next year, it was necessary to evaluate the facilities that were allocated as a result of exploration. The volumes of exploration were different, but sometimes reached very decent sizes (there were drilled up to 100 wells per year, up to 30 thousand km of seismic works). Each seismic survey supplied identification of exploration prospects, they had to be arranged in order to form a program for the next period. This work was supervised by Yevgrafiy Artemyevich.

When the program was launched, operational control was carried out by him. The V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Use of the Subsoil participated in the work of the commission: Kopytov Andrey Grigoryevich – PhD, Director (in-person); Levkovich Sergey Vladimirovich – PhD, Deputy Director for scientific work, Yakovlev Mikhail Sergeevich – Deputy Director, Chernobrovkina Irina Vasilyevna – Head of the Department for monitoring the development of oil fields, Osinovskaya Irina Vladimirovna – PhD, 1st category engineer of the Laboratory of Geological and Economic Modeling of the Department of Licensing and Economics of Subsurface use (via videoconference).

Yevgrafiy Artemyevich set up the process in approximately the same way as it was in the Glavtyumengeology. At 8 o'clock the geologists were already at work and began to collect information about what was happening at the sites that were being drilled according to the territorial program. It was formed, the exploration was analyzed, the objects were arranged, and those on which it makes sense to continue working were selected. Every morning we gathered information and made decisions about what to do. During the drilling process, there is often a need to make decisions – whether trip in the hole or not,there were a lot of ongoing work that required understanding the situation and technology proficiency. This operational control ensured, firstly, control of the situation, and secondly, a quick response to emergency situations if any problems arose, because drilling is a process prone to accidents. Yevgrafiy Artemyevich transferred this technology of daily monitoring to the territorial program. The laboratories of Zakharova, Rubina and Eliseev had to collect material every morning and report on the situation. Decisions were made and transferred to the place. Strict control of the exploration progress was ensured. The result of the work was the discovery of more than 100 deposits. More than 400 wells have been drilled for the money of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region. Besides, the deposits were discovered by the companies themselves.

I have the best impressions of Yevgraf Artemyevich as a specialist. He has an amazing memory, excellent knowledge of exploration processes. And he's also a very decent man. He has an extensive circle of acquaintances, many people consult with him, call, discuss situations. He has information about exploration throughout the district."

And at the age of 90, E.A. Teplyakov is a man who is not indifferent to the situation in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region and the country, well–informed, interested, sociable and generously sharing memories in his geological memoirs about that grandiose era of the first discoveries of the West Siberian oil and gas province.

We wish You, dear and highly respected Yevgrafiy Artemyevich, good health for many years to come! Your experience is invaluable, and the desire to live and share your knowledge is particularly admired. May your days be filled with joyful events, the attention of loved ones, good news and pleasant communication. And let your knowledge become the foundation for future discoveries.

The staff of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Resource Use

The Government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra, the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources, the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Resource Use
are holding the XXVIII district scientific and practical conference "Ways to realize the oil and gas potential of Western Siberia" in Khanty-Mansiysk on November 19-21, 2024.

Download the circular...

September 8, 2024. The elections of the Governor of the region and the solemn inauguration took place in Yugra. At a meeting of the Duma of the district, the majority of deputies voted for Ruslan Kuharuk, the candidate proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The staff of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Resource Use congratulates Ruslan Nikolaevich on taking office and wishes him success in his work!

September 3, 2024. Igor Petrovich Tolstolytkin, one of the leading geophysicists, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, celebrates his 90th birthday. With his active participation, innovative research of ultra-deep wells was conducted in the Crimea, Belarus and Russia's High North. Back in the distant 60s, he created models for the development of the largest oil fields in the West Siberian region.

He began his career in 1954 in Turkmenistan as a worker of a logging party. He studied to be a mining engineer in Moscow. After graduating from the Moscow Petroleum Institute in 1956, he was sent to the geophysical expedition "Spetsneftegeofizika" in Mozyr, Gomel region of Belarus. He was directly involved in conducting geological exploration for oil, coal, potash salts, and radioactive ores on the territory of the Pripyat depression. He introduced radioactive methods of well research, and for the first time in the region applied gamma-gamma-ray logging and isotope methods.

Igor Tolstolytkin believes that the main thing in his profession is to justify technology: what to do and why. His pride is the successful experience of using radioactive isotopes to search for productive horizons with oil. In 1961, Igor Petrovich was invited to work in the Crimean Geophysical Expedition, where he actively participated in the discovery and exploration of oil and gas fields in the Steppe Crimea: Glebovsky, Dzhankoysky, Zadornensky, Strelkovsky, etc.

Since the first fountain near Shaim, he has worked for 55 years in the largest oil and gas producing region of the country – Western Siberia.

Igor Petrovich is one of the organizers of the geophysical service of Glavtyumenneftegaz, the creator of the foundations of comprehensive control over the development of oil fields of Glavtyumenneftegaz and the author of more than 50 projects of systematic control over the development of fields.

In 1970, he was awarded the I.M. Gubkin Academy Award as one of the creators of a new direction for the use of seismic exploration at the stage of oil field development. He led the selection of promising areas for seismic exploration in the Middle Ob region, where Mykhpayskoye, Kinyaminskoye, Fainovskoye, Ugutskoye and other oil fields were subsequently discovered.

From 1994 to 2019 Igor Petrovich worked at the Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use in Tyumen. He headed the department of monitoring the development of oil fields, and since 2014 he has worked as a chief scientific consultant.

One of the initiators and creators of the "Monitoring of the development of oil fields in Khanty-Mansi Region - Yugra". This work was awarded with the V.I. Muravlenko prize.

For many years, Igor Petrovich headed the Tyumen territorial commission for the development of deposits. He was a member of the oil section of the Central Committee on Development of Rosnedra of the Russian Federation. With his participation, an Energy strategy for the development of the district was developed, according to which Yugra will be the leading oil production region of Russia for decades to come. For more than twenty years, Igor Petrovich has been the permanent head and organizer of the section "Problems of development and development of oil fields" at the annual conference "Ways to realize the oil and gas potential of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region – Yugra".

Igor Petrovich took part in the development of laws and regulations on rational subsoil use and field development. He taught at the Tyumen Industrial Institute (now Tyumen Industrial University). He is the author of over 200 publications, including 6 monographs. He has compiled more than 150 methodological manuals, instructions, guidance documents, standards, etc.

Honored Worker of the oil and gas industry of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region, "Honorary Oilman of Russia and Tyumen", "Honorary Prospector of the subsoil", Laureate of the prizes named after Academician I.M. Gubkin and V.I. Muravlenko, awarded many medals.

Dear Igor Petrovich, you are a great example for us, thank you for being our boss, friend and tremendous support for so many years, doing the impossible and achieving the most ambitious goals. And so far you are the person to whom you can come for advice and inspiration. The staff of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use congratulates Igor Petrovich on his 90th birthday and wishes him good Siberian health, good mood, well-being and vitality!

September 3, 2024. PhD holder in geology and mineralogy Muher Alevtina Grigorievna celebrates her 85th anniversary! Alevtina Grigoryevna began her career in 1958. After graduating from the Geological Exploration Faculty of Kazan State University in 1966, she was assigned to work in Tyumen and devoted more than 50 years to studying the geology of Western Siberia. She started as an engineer, then as a senior engineer at the lithological and mineralogical Laboratory of the Central Laboratory (1966-1982).

In 1981, Alevtina Grigorievna defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Conditions of formation of the Lower-Middle Jurassic continental deposits of the Krasnoleninsky district in connection with oil and gas potential." In this work, the directions of prospecting and exploration work were justified both on anticlinal structures and those related to channel facies. The result of the work in the Central Laboratory was the discovery of the Talinskоe and Yuzhno-Talinskoe fields in 1990. Alevtina Grigorievna was awarded a diploma and a badge "Discoverer of the deposit".

The next milestone in his career from 1982 to 1993 was his work at ZapSibNIGNI as a senior researcher, and then as head of the laboratory of the Department of Regional Geology and prospecting for oil and gas.

From 1994 to 2016 as head of the Regional research Laboratory of the State Unitary Enterprise of Khanty-Mansi Region "Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use" she was engaged in the study of the geological structure and prospects of oil and gas potential of the Lower-Middle Jurassic deposits in the territory of Yugra, participated in the justification of exploration drilling plans and the preparation of materials for the recalculation of inferred resources.

Alevtina Grigorievna is the author of a number of new methodological techniques related to the construction of paleogeographic and paleogeomorphological maps and the identification of promising non-anticlinal objects. The author of the methodology for mapping the regional boundaries of the wedging out of lithological and stratigraphic units of the Jurassic deposits. Since 2007, she has been engaged in solving issues of stratigraphy, paleogeography, and prospects for the oil and gas potential of Jurassic deposits throughout the territory of the West Siberia. A.G. Muher with co-authors (G.P. Myasnikova, V.P. Devyatov) developed a stratigraphic-correlation basis for detailed models of the Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia. Under the leadership of Alevtina Grigorievna, a series of paleogeographic and lithological-facies maps, maps of the structure and prospects of oil and gas potential of the Lower Jurassic and Middle Jurassic plays were built.

In her work, she also dealt with the issues of zoning the Bazhenov suite deposits and its analogues. She developed the principles of distinguishing the main lithotypes of Bazhenov suite rocks and gave their detailed characteristics.

Alevtina Grigorievna is the author of more than 200 handwritten and printed works. In 2000, she was awarded the badge "300 years of the Mining and Geological Service of Russia", awarded the title "Honored Geologist of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra (2008), awarded the badge "Honored person of Subsurface Exploration" by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (2015). In 2018, a collection of selected works written by A.G. Muher "Geological structure and oil and gas potential of the Jurassic of Western Siberia" was published. The book contains the main research over 50 years of scientific activity. The collection has received great recognition from specialists in the geological industry.

The staff of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil warmly, sincerely and cordially congratulates Muher Alevtina Grigorievna on her 85th birthday! We wish you, dear Alevtina Grigorievna, health, happiness, family well-being, optimism, interesting meetings, joy from communicating with children, grandchildren, relatives and friends!

August 26-30, 2024. Employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil Deputy Director Yakovlev Mikhail Sergeevich and Head of the Laboratory of Tomographic and Electron Microscopic Studies Evseev Fedor Alexandrovich took part in the round table "Synchrotron Radiation Technologies for the Oil and gas industry" within the framework of the International Forum "Technoprom–2024", which has been held in Novosibirsk.

The round table discussed the current status of scientific and technical developments in the field of using synchrotron radiation to intensify oil and gas production, as well as the development of hard-to-recover reserves; synchronization of the activities of research teams and technological requests from petroleum and service companies; mechanisms for financing scientific research and commercialization of technologies.

The participants also evaluated the results of the work on the project called "SKIF" (Center for collective use "Siberian ring photon source"). The center is being built in the Novosibirsk science city of Koltsovo, within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities" aimed to the development of a modern network of synchrotron radiation generation sources in Russia. The basis of the SKIF is made up of 4th+ generation synchrotrons and up to 30 experimental stations for the use of synchrotron and X-ray radiation in scientific and technological research and development for the real sector of the economy.

F.A. Evseev: "Our experience in working on the topic of digital core research will help to obtain a number of specific conclusions about the value of the SCIF infrastructure using in solving problems of the technology for digital core, the main task of which is to minimize the uncertainties of laboratory studies in the development of technical and technological solutions to improve the efficiency of production and/or processing of hydrocarbons. Synchrotron sources allow to push the boundaries of digital core technology and obtain more reliable information about its structure. We are actively working towards the creation of a unified digital core analysis technique using tomographs with micron resolution. The complementary use of laboratory and mega-science facilities will significantly increase the efficiency and productivity of research in this direction."

Within the framework of Technoprom 2024, a cooperation agreement was signed between the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use and Tomsk Polytechnic University.

July 22, 2024. V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center scientists continue to improve their developments related to mineral oil, on the basis of which they are already making Ugra cosmetics with the brand "Numto". According to its properties, the oil is similar to the famous naphthalan.
For details, see the story prepared by VESTI YUGORIA journalists.

Михаил Яковлев

July 8, 2024. Within the framework of the INNOPROM-2024 exhibition in Yekaterinburg, an Agreement on cooperation was officially signed between the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Use of the Subsoil and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute of Geology and Geochemistry named after Academician A.N. Zavaritsky of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences".

This partnership is aimed at implementing joint scientific research such as:

- implementation of fundamental and applied research in the field of Earth sciences;

- scientific and technical information exchange (software for scientific activities, publication of bibliographic materials, etc.) being of mutual interest to the parties;

- scientific and methodological support of ongoing research work.

The agreement was signed by Andrey Grigorievich Kopytov, Director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Use of the Subsoil, and Dmitry Alexandrovich Zedgenizov, Director of the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry named after Academician A.N. Zavaritsky of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the presence of Sergey Vladimirovich Chernyaev, Deputy Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra. The signing was also attended by: on the part of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center – Deputy Director M.S.Yakovlev, on the part of the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry named after Academician A.N. Zavaritsky – Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Issues, Doctor of Sciences V.A. Naumov and head of the Laboratory of Regional Geology and Geotectonics, Ph.D. S.V. Berzin.

As a result of negotiations at the site of the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry named after Academician A.N. Zavaritsky, the parties agreed on scientific cooperation and the following joint works:

1. Solving the traditional problems of studying the material composition and structure of the basement rocks of the West Siberian Plate;

2. Assessment of hydromineral resources and metals in aquifers and oil fields of Yugra (rare earth and noble metals, halides);

3. Comprehensive study of the mineral resources of common minerals;

4. Development of the geological model of the northeastern part of the Sverdlovsk region on the border with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra to assess the prospects for the availability of hydrocarbon deposits.

5. Joint training of highly qualified scientific personnel.

June 28, 2024. Employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil took part in the work of the expert commission of the Heriot-Watt Center magistracy.

Members of the commission evaluated the projects of the first-year master's degree students. Master students worked on solving practical problems as part of six cross-functional teams that brought together students from all four master's programs of the Heriot-Watt Center:

- Development and operation of oil and gas fields;

- Reservoir Assessment and Management / Oil and Gas Engineering;

- Technology of construction of oil and gas wells;

- Scientific engineering.

The commission included representatives of PJSC Gazprom Neft, Rosneft, LUKOIL PJSC, AKROS Company, Sakhalin Energy LLC, and experts from the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Use of the Subsoil. All of them highly appreciated the skills and competencies of the teams. Following the results of the diploma defenses, Heriot-Watt Center students will receive an invitation to practice at one of the companies, with the prospect of further employment after completing the master's degree.

The V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Use of the Subsoil participated in the work of the commission: Kopytov Andrey Grigoryevich – PhD, Director (in-person); Levkovich Sergey Vladimirovich – PhD, Deputy Director for scientific work, Yakovlev Mikhail Sergeevich – Deputy Director, Chernobrovkina Irina Vasilyevna – Head of the Department for monitoring the development of oil fields, Osinovskaya Irina Vladimirovna – PhD, 1st category engineer of the Laboratory of Geological and Economic Modeling of the Department of Licensing and Economics of Subsurface use (via videoconference).

«I consider it very important not only to have good professional skills, but also the ability to work in a team, the ability to rally the team, inspire, plan and distribute the work correctly, using the strengths of each participant in the project, which the guys did a great job with» - A.G. Kopytov.

June 18, 2024. Specialists of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil have prepared an overview of changes in the legislation "On subsurface Resources". Go to the reviews...

June 10, 2024. Employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoilfr continue to participate in the campaign "Victory Network by the hands of Tyumen citizens".

Two more camouflage nets have been sent to Special Military Operation. In addition to nets, trench candles, sweets and hygiene products were handed over to the fighters.

We wish our guys a speedy return home safe and sound. We believe in you and in our Victory!

June 5, 2024. Employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil in Khanty-Mansiysk took part in a special event – the planting of Siberian lime avenue. The lime trees were presented to the Centre by the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of Yugra in honor of the 30th anniversary of the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre.

A new, rapidly developing district of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk was chosen for the alley.

Andrey Kopytov, director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil, expressed hope that the beautiful alley will become in the future not only a symbol of fruitful work and taking care of nature of the Center's staff, but also a favorite walking place for Khanty-Mansiysk citizens and guests of the city.

The staff of the Centre thanks Samara Forestry employees for their help in planting Siberian lime.

June 4-5, 2024. The Days of the Ural-Siberian Macroregion were held at the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia".

Our colleague Ilnar Rinatovich Nigametzyanov, a lead engineer at the laboratory for the reservoir fluid properties study, was invited to participate in this event as the winner of the Genius 2023 program in Yugra with a project "Development of the oil-water emulsions destructor".

On the first day, the plenary session "Space of the Future" was held. It was attended by Vladimir Yakushev, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District, and Ruslan Kuharuk, Acting Governor of Yugra.

For more information, follow the link:

May 24-25, 2024. The scientific and practical conference "Youth Arctic: Science for the Future" took place in Khanty-Mansiysk. The conference was held within the framework of the Russian-Asian Arctic Research Consortium (RAARC), which is the scientific structure of the International Organization of the Northern Regions "Northern Forum". The conference was attended by young scientists and specialists from ten regions of Russia, Mongolia, China and India. They presented projects for the development of the northern and Arctic regions, an important zone of Russia's geopolitical interests.

The exchange of ideas will increase the effectiveness of scientific research and development, contribute to the improvement of theoretical approaches to the study of environmental, humanitarian, social, and economic processes in the territories of the North and the Arctic. The vision of the future for these territories will focus talented young specialists on further research activities.

Employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center took part in the conference. Lilia Shevtsova participated in the section "Protecting the Arctic – ecology and nature management" with the report "Studying the transformation of oil pollution of the soil in the natural conditions of the northern region". Ilnar Nigametzyanov made a presentation "Laboratory installation for the destruction of stable oil and water emulsions" in the section "Building the Arctic – infrastructure development, innovation, economy".

We wish all participants of the conference further success in their scientific activities!

May 22-23, 2024. The conference of young specialists working in organizations engaged in activities related to the use of subsurface areas in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region - Yugra was held in Khanty–Mansiysk.

The conference was traditionally organized by the Government of Yugra. The event is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the beginning of industrial oil production in West Siberia.

The conference of young specialists working in oil and gas production organizations is being held for the 23rd time. Two hundred representatives of research institutes, young employees of universities and enterprises of Yugra, Yamal, Tyumen, Ufa and Moscow gathered at one site. They presented their works in 11 areas – from exploration and HC production to industrial energy efficiency and safety.

Employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center conducted tours of the core storage and laboratory complex for 150 participants of the event.

Watch how it was in the video.

May 16, 2024. The first camouflage net made by employees of the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use within the framework of the campaign "Victory Network by the hands of Tyumen citizens" was sent to frontier guards.
We were patronized by “Gorky Beregini”, a volunteer group from the village of Gorkovka in the Tyumen region, which "branches" are becoming more and more numerous. The military affectionately call them "Bereginyushki", they have sent more than 220 networks (4000 sq. meters), 110 costumes “leshy”, 300 trench candles, 4100 dry showers, more than 1000 accessories of underwear and warm clothes made by own hands. “Beregini” are mostly women of retirement age, there are also men, they assemble frames for nets, are involved in the manufacture of trench candles, and perform physically demanding work.
V.I.Shpilman Center employees thank “Gorky Beregini” for organizing a workplace, a master class on nets manufacturing and materials for the first camouflage nets.

May 8, 2024. Employees of the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use ran a tour of the district core storage in Khanty-Mansiysk for schoolchildren from the Belgorod region. The children were told what the core is, how it is extracted, stored and what it is used for. The main purpose of such events is to broaden the horizons and career guidance of teenagers. According to tradition, all wishing made oil palm prints for themselves as souvenirs.

April 30, 2024. The exhibition "Labor Dynasties" opened in Moscow at VDNH.

The first exposition was presented by Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra. The opening ceremony was attended by Hero of Russia, referent of the Presidential Social Projects Directorate of the Russian Federation Alexey Romanov, Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region Natalia Komarova, Deputy General Director of the Russian Society "Znanie" Georgy Budny, Deputy Chairman of the «Yugra fraternity» Sergey Baryshnikov, and labor dynasties of the Autonomous Region.

The idea of creating an exhibition from the Reschikov family was conveyed to President Vladimir Putin by Chairman of the People's Council of the DPR Artyom Zhoga. Vladimir Putin supported the initiative and instructed the presidential administration and the governors to implement the idea.

The Reschikovs represent a dynasty of geophysicists with a working experience in the profession in sum of more than 150 years! Georgy Rechikov was at the origins of the formation of the Khanty-Mansiysk school of processors and interpreters of geophysical data. Denis Rechikov holds a PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, and currently works at the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use.

The labor dynasty of the Shpilman geologists also has a long and interesting professional history, which can be found at the exhibition, presenting unique family archives and relics.

The Reschikov family provided to the exhibition the compass of the head of the family, Georgy Mikhailovich. Also, on display is the FED-3 camera, which Ilya Abramovich Shpilman presented to his son Vladimir in 1968. This camera witnessed the discovery of many oil and gas fields. Galina Petrovna and Vladimir Ilyich took it on geological expeditions for studying the core. Thanks to it, Vladimir Ilyich's children, Alexander and Andrey, get trained on photography. Now it is a family heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Expositions demonstrate the continuity of generations, service to the profession, business and the state.

(Фото 1 и 2: Центр социальных медиа Югры)

April 22-24, 2024. The IV International Industrial Exhibition "Innoprom. Central Asia" was held in Tashkent. Delegations from several countries and dozens of Russian Federation regions gathered at the event to present new solutions and promising developments in the industrial sector, strengthen existing contacts and establish new mutually beneficial contacts for cooperation.

The district delegation was attended by Sergey Filatov, Director of The Subsoil Use and Natural Resources Department of Yugra, and Andrey Kopytov, Director of the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use. In addition to the traditional products for the region, the exhibition presented premium cosmetics "Numto", made with the addition of mineral cosmetic oils extracted from a special type of Yugra oil, as well as chemical reagents, technological fluid systems (guar gum), low-friction centralizers.

Deputy Governor of Yugra Alexey Zabozlaev noted that the district is interested in growing raw materials for the production of guar gum, used in oil production for drilling fluids in Uzbekistan, to replace supplies from India and Pakistan.

April 3-4, 2024. The VII International Youth Scientific and Practical Forum "Oil Capital" was held in Khanty-Mansiysk. Traditionally, the event was attended by representatives of oil companies, experts from scientific and industry communities, young engineers and scientists, students and postgraduates. There are more than 1,000 people from 50 cities of Russia and 16 countries of the world in total.

The Oil Capital Forum has been held in Yugra since 2018. Its purpose is the exchange of experience and the development of international relations in the field of science, innovation and industry education.

The event included: the International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference of the Council of Young Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Technologies of the Future of oil and Gas producing Regions", a competition for innovative projects, the F. K. Salmanov International Petroleum Academic Congress, a specialized industry exhibition, industry thematic sessions: "New technologies: Challenges and solutions", "Climate Change and climate initiatives", "Oil Economics through the prism of efficiency". Topical topics were discussed in the plenary discussion "Oil Energy – the path to progress".

"Experts working at the forum summarize: 80% of the projects ideas that are created by the participants of the oil capital forum acquire the status of implemented, used and providing the appropriate effects conceived by the authors," said Governor of Yugra Natalia Komarova in her welcoming speech.

The management and staff of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil took part in the work of conference sections and an industry exhibition. Young specialists spoke at the RAS conference with following reports: Danil Mansurov with a report "Geochemical characteristics of kerogen of Domanik and Bazhenov formations", Roman Butyrin with a report "Studying the transformation of the oil pollution composition in the climatic conditions of the northern region" – took 2nd place in the section "Ecology. Green Technologies", and Nigametzyanov Ilnar - "Development of auxiliary equipment for the destruction of water-oil emulsions". In addition to the report, Ilnar presented a "Laboratory device for the destruction of oil-water emulsions" at the competition of innovative projects. We thank our young specialists for participating in the forum and wish them further success!

The exhibition stand of the V.I.Shpilman Center was traditionally popular. Several dozen participants took the oil print of their palm as a souvenir. The visitors were very interested in the stand, which presented a new line of cosmetics with an oil component in its composition.

The forum participants also got acquainted with the activities of the V.I.Shpilman Center during an excursion to the core storage.

As part of the thematic session "New Technologies: Challenges and search for solutions", Valery Greifer medals were awarded for outstanding achievements in the development of innovations. The V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil was awarded a medal of the II degree. The industry award was solemnly presented to the director of the Center Andrey Grigoryevich Kopytov by the president of the Union of Oil and Gas Industrialists Gennady Iosifovich Shmal.

The annual event of the forum was the signing of partnership agreements. The agreement on the creation of the Consortium "Innovations for the North and the Arctic" was signed by Andrey Kopytov, Director of the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil, Rector of the Yugra State University Roman Kuchin, Director of the Yugra Scientific Research Institute of IT Andrey Melnikov, Director of the Yugra Territorial Energy Company – Regional Networks Maxim Medvedev, Acting Rector of the Technological University named after Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Cosmonaut Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov, Natalia Frolova and Director of the Institute of the Climatic and Ecological Systems Monitoring of the RAS Siberian branch Evgenia Golovatskaya. The document is aimed at integrating efforts to implement innovative scientific and technological projects, create high-tech products and technologies that can be used in extreme climatic conditions of the North and the Arctic, considering the challenges associated with global climate change.

The forum participants noted the high level of organization, as well as the importance of such events for science, industry, economics and strengthening international relations.

March 18, 2024. The core storage of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil has reached the semi-finals of the competition "From the South Seas to the Polar Region", and if it wins, it will be included in the tourist routes of the "More than a Journey" program for implementation in 2025. The core storage receives organized groups of tourists as part of the development of industrial tourism in Yugra.

Also participating in the All-Russian competition from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra are: The Russian Museum of Nature and Man named after Yadroshnikov Alexander Pavlovich, Cultural and tourist complex "Samarovsky ostanets. Archeopark", A.V.Filipenko Winter Sports Center, High-Tech Technopark of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra.

The voting, during which you will have to choose the sights from 89 places in the Russian Federation that received the most votes in the previous stage, will last until March 31.

You can vote for the Core Storage by following the link.

Кернохранилище АУ НАЦ РН им. В.И. Шпильмана

March 12, 2024. The Regional program "Live and Work in Russia" of the World Youth Festival was launched in Khanty-Mansiysk.  Guests from three dozen countries arrived to Yugra to get acquainted with the industrial, cultural and social spheres of the region's life, see the unique nature and assess the economic potential of the autonomous region.

As part of the event, on March 13, 2024, the participants visited the core storage of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil.

The staff of the V.I. Shpilman Center told the guests about the theory of the origin of oil, the methods of its extraction, explained what a core is and what its value is. They showed traces of the prehistoric era — ammonites. And according to tradition, the participants of the tour made an "oil" palm print as a souvenir.

The organizers of the program tried to ensure that the trip for foreigners was not only a tourist trip, but also contributed to the development of friendly and business ties.

February 29, 2024. The proceedings of the XXVII Conference "Ways of the Western Siberia's oil and gas potential realization" were published on the official website of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil. You can download the conference proceedings at the link: For other publications, see the Publications section.

February 26, 2024. Andrey Kopytov, Director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil, had a conversation with the leading GTRK Yugoria program “Vesti” Anton Artemyev. We learn from the interview about how much oil there is in Yugra, and why this number does not decrease over time in proportion to the pumped oil.

Андрей Копытов

February 20, 2024. Employees of the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil took part in the Energy Day at the Russia exhibition.

Yugra is preparing to produce 13 billionth tonne of oil.

A symbolic counter demonstrating the rate of oil production in the region and counting every second to the jubilee 13 billionth tonne was launched at the Russia exhibition by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Valentinovich Novak, Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region Natalia Vladimirovna Komarova and representatives of geophysicists dynasty – the Reschikov family, Natalia Petrovna and Denis Georgievich, who devoted a total of a century and a half to this work and a significant amount of time is spent working at the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center!

Oil production in Yugra began 60 years ago. The first billion of oil produced was celebrated in 1978, and in 2020 it reached 12 billion. Samotlorskoye, Priobskoye and Fedorovskoye fields, the world's largest in terms of reserves, have made a great contribution to the production of the main oil-producing region. In January 2025, we will get a new record – 13 billionth tonne. You can follow the countdown live at the link

One of the main events of the Russia exhibition, which was attended by specialists of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use of the Subsoil, was the plenary session "Leadership and Sustainability of Russian Energy". The event raised topical issues and discussed the achievements of the fuel and energy complex.

Energy is currently one of the key sectors of the Russian economy, and over the past 20 years it has made a huge leap in its development, said Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Alexander Novak.

February 12-15, 2024. In Tyumen, the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use held a hearing of subsoil users on the results of exploration works on the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra for the 2023 and plans for 2024. The event was held as part of the work of the Interdepartmental Expert Council for the Development of the oil and gas complex of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra.

The companies-subsurface users presented the results of exploration works carried out on the territory of the district in 2023. They reported on the discoveries of HC deposits and explained the difficulties that had to be faced during the exploration. The planned exploration volumes for large companies (VIOC) were completed in full. Independent subsoil users had a harder time, quite a large part of the companies exercised the right granted by the state to adjust their calendar plans. Work plans for 2024 were also presented, which volumes are quite impressive, taking into account the postponed calendar plans for independent subsoil users.

The meeting of the Council was timed to coincide with the memorable date of the 75th anniversary of the beginning of systematic geological exploration in Western Siberia. On 15 February 1949, drilling of the key well No.1 was started in Tyumen, which uncovered deposits to a depth of 2000 m. Prior to this, core wells encountered deposits to a depth of 30-50 m. For the first time, the Middle Jurassic deposits were penetrated. The extracted core showed the presence of reservoirs capable to contain hydrocarbons. The well marked the beginning of a systematic geological exploration of the deposits of Western Siberia in search of prospective exploration targets and the discovery of hydrocarbon deposits.

On the initiative of L.M. Zakharova, the Deputy director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use, on February 15, 2024, a symbolic campaign was organized to the monument to the first key well, located on Melnikaite Street in Tyumen.

February 2, 2024. А report on the work of scientists and specialists of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center was released on the Vesti Yugoria channel. The Center conducts research on the oils extracted in Yugra, which are similar in composition to the Naftalan oil of Azerbaijan, known for its healing properties. А lot of work to study the compositions, the possibilities of purification and the use of oil for cosmetic purposes has been done by the V.I.Shpilman Center laboratories staff. Thanks to our chemical scientists, prototypes of cosmetic products have been prepared: cream, scrub, massage oil, massage candle and bath oil.

The details are in the report...

January 26-27, 2024. V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center representatives took part in the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia" at VDNH, dedicated to Energy Day

The event is a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge, presentation of the achievements of Russia’s regions, social-political organizations, and representatives of the business community and the government.

For two days, our colleagues told the guests of the exhibition about the main oil-producing region of the country. The visitors got acquainted with a special line of cosmetics, which includes mineral naphthenic oil. Those interested got acquainted with the collection of oils, different in color and composition, took with them the oil prints of their palms on paper. Those interested learned about the implementation of the federal project for the extraction of hard-to-recover reserves.

Among the visitors of the exhibition were Alexander Novak, Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Federation, Nikolai Shulginov, Minister of Energy of the country, Alexander Dyukov, CEO of Gazprom Neft, Evgeny Petrov, Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use.

In January 2025, the district plans to produce 13 billionth ton of oil. The guests of honor involved in the future event left their autographs on the barrel where the oil from the jubilee ton will be poured.

The achievements of the Ugra fuel and energy complex were presented by Sergey Chernyaev, Deputy Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region, Sergey Filatov, Director of the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources, Andrey Kopytov, Director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center and other employees of the Center.

December 20, 2023. Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council under the chairmanship of Deputy Director of the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources - Head of the Department for the Development of the Oil and Gas Complex M.V. Novikov with the participation of division managers and Department specialists took place in Khanty-Mansiysk.

The meeting reviewed and adopted a report on the work carried out in 2023 by the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use in the areas provided for under the state task for 2023 and the planning period of 2024 and 2025.

The fulfillment of the state task is the main activity of the Center. The main tasks are to collect and maintain up-to-date information in the field of subsurface use, environmental management and the fuel and energy complex, as well as maintaining a territorial fund of geological information on subsurface resources, which, in turn, has a key influence on taking management decisions by executive bodies of state power of autonomous region.

In addition to the work related to the fulfillment of the state task, highly qualified specialists of the Core and Fluid Research Center, established on the basis of the Center, expand scientific horizons by developing global district and federal projects, and patent their developments.

The annual analysis of exploration indicators in the territory of Yugra allows the Center's specialists to adjust long-term programs of the rehabilitation of the mineral resource base of hydrocarbons with the involvement of federal budget funds.

December 13, 2023. The next 31st issue of the journal "Bulletin of the Subsoil User" was published. The electronic edition can be read on our website in the Publications

November 22-23, 2023, The XXVII scientific and practical conference "Ways of realization of oil and gas potential of the Western Siberia" took place in Khanty-Mansiysk within the framework of the Yugra Economic Forum.

The event addressed a wide range of geological, technological, economic, legal, environmental, informational and organizational issues of subsurface use and the development of the oil industry in Western Siberia.

Evgeny Petrov, Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra), delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the conference.

The sections and round tables were attended by representatives of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and Government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra, as well as representatives of oil and gas processing and refining companies, exploration and service companies, research institutes, leading scientists, specialists from Yugra, Yamal, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

340 people participated in the conference, 80 of them participated online. More than 900 people watched the presentations via webcast.

On November 22, in addition to the panel session on the topic "Modern approaches to the development of the mineral resource base of Western Siberia", moderated by Daria Kozlova (Head of Analytics at the Analytical Center of the Fuel and Energy Complex under the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation), 4 round tables were held within the framework of the Conference with the following themes:

- "50 years of development of the Krasnoleninskoye field! Historical achievements, current problems";
- "Actual directions of development of organizational and economic subsoil resource management mechanisms and legal regulation of licensing in modern conditions";
- "Legal and organizational issues of the core turnover";
- "Development of the resource potential of the Pre-Jurassic complex of Western Siberia. Formation of general principles for the exploration, study and development of productive deposits."<

On November 23, the conference was continued in the sections:

- "Geological structure, oil and gas potential, resource base development prospects";
- "Laboratory studies of core and fluids";
- "Methods of increasing the efficiency of the development of hydrocarbon deposits";
- "Environment and sustainable development of the region";
- Poster presentations section.

Watch the webcasts of the second conference day.

During the conference, the head of Rosnedra, E. Petrov, proposed to hold two round tables with the participation of federal authorities, executive bodies of the region and representatives of oil and gas companies, at which it is planned to discuss the application of increasing oil recovery methods at fields in a mature stage of development and economic aspects of the development of the oil and gas sector.

Discussions are planned to continue at the International Scientific and Practical Forum "Oil Capital" on March 13-14, 2024 in Khanty-Mansiysk.

A total of 134 oral and 20 poster presentations were presented at the event. Traditionally, the conference materials will be published in an electronic collection of papers on the official website of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the rational use of the subsoil.

November 1-2, 2023. The annual XIII All-Russian Meeting was held at VNIGNI. The theme of this year was "Regional geological exploration of mineral resources: strategic goals and new challenges".

Every year, the organizers gather representatives of academic science, heads and leading specialists of research institutes subordinate to Rosnedra, heads of leading oil and gas companies and service companies to discuss topical issues.

The main objective of the event is to find ways for further development of the national geological science, geological exploration, search and substantiation of new oil and gas prospective zones designation, exchange of experience in the study of hard-to-recover oil reserves.

The event was attended by S.V. Levkovich, Deputy director for Science of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of Subsoil, M.S. Yakovlev, Deputy director, O.V. Latypova – head of laboratory for the collection, processing, storage of core and sludge.

This year's event is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the All-Russian Scientific Research Geological Petroleum Institute. The staff of the V.I Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of Subsoil congratulates the staff of VNIGNI on this significant event. We wish our colleagues good health, prosperity and success in their work.

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October 24, 2023. Аn outstanding scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Alexey Emilevich Kontorovich died at the age of 90.

Alexey Emilevich made a significant contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry of our country, including the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra. His developments and findings contributed to the successful exploration of oil and gas resources of Western and Eastern Siberia, and Yakutia. Alexey Emilevich was directly involved in the formation of Russia's Energy Strategy. He developed modern methods of quantitative prediction of oil and gas potential, created a theory of oil formation. He is an author and editor of more than 850 scientific papers.

Alexey Emilevich has many government awards and titles, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland of the II, III, IV degrees, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky and others. He was awarded the badge “Excellence in the exploration of mineral resources”, and the titles “Honorary oilman of Russia”, “Honorary Worker of the gas industry”. Alexey Emilevich is a Laureate of the I.M.Gubkin Awards, the Awards of the Russian Federation Government in the field of science and technology.

The name of Alexey Emilevich Kontorovich was inscribed in the history of geological science during his lifetime. His death is an irreparable loss for the entire Russian geology.

The staff of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Use of the Subsoil express sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of Alexey Emilevich.

October 2, 2023. The annual report "Subsoil Use in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra in 2022" was published on the official website of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil. You can read this report in the "Publications" section.

September 28, 2023. Khanty-Mansiysk and Tyumen hosted an event with possibility of other companies representatives connection via videoconference organized by the V.I Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre and the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of the Khanty-Mansi Region – Yugra in a round table format devoted to the topic Rational use of the well stock: actual tasks and their solutions.

Representatives of the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra, the North Urals Directorate of Rostekhnadzor, the West Siberian Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "GKZ", as well as representatives of oil companies, experts and scientists participated in the discussion.

The round table discussed a wide range of issues, such as rational use of wells in the oilfields of Yugra, potential risks of the state and companies in terms of well stock management, including monitor, suspended and abandoned well stocks. Participants noted the need to improve the documents regulating the use of wells by subsurface users.

Following the meeting, it was planned to form working groups to further study the issues raised regarding follow-up and preparing proposals for amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The results of this work are planned to be presented at the conference "Ways of realization of the oil and gas potential of Western Siberia", which will be held on November 22-23 in Khanty-Mansiysk.

September 22, 2023, a round table "Legal and organizational issues of collecting and storing core material and information about it" was held in Tyumen.

Representatives of the following companies participated in the discussion of the issues: TNNC LLC, SurgutNIPIneft, Territorial Fund of Geological Information for the Ural Federal District, Novatek NTC LLC, Coretest Service LLC and authorities.

Employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre presented digital passports of the core stored in the state specialized repository of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre created as part of the request of the Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region – Yugra Natalia Vladimirovna Komarova.

The event was held in in-person and remote format. As a result of the meeting, a decision was made: a working group consisting of representatives of oil and gas and service companies, as well as authorities and employees of the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre, to prepare proposals for the creation of digital core passports at the federal level. The results of this work are planned to be presented at the conference "Paths of realization of oil and gas potential of Western Siberia”, which will be held on November 22-23 in Khanty-Mansiysk.

The digital core passport is necessary to save the history and have to be linked to the well passport. The meeting participants noted that the passport should contain sufficient geological information about the core, including a reference to the depth, information about the company that acquired the core, the equipment, and information about the intervals of core selection, the date of selection, the place where it was transferred, the organization studied the core, it should have a structure with uniform parameters, databases, types of studies, and contain a section on its storage.

September 21, 2023. The Lithostratigraphic sections Atlas of Pre-Jurassic deposits exposed by wells in the territory of Khanty‒Mansi Autonomous Region -Yugra was published.

Specialists of the Pre-Jurassic Deposits Geology Laboratory of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre have been working for many years to collect information on wells that have penetrated pre-Jurassic deposits in Western Siberia. Such materials as well historical data, published and fund papers of various researchers and organizations involved in the study of the pre-Jurassic complex were used.

For a visual representation of the well sections study results, lithological and stratigraphic tablets were compiled using the author's version of the stratigraphic picks of the weathering crust and basement. To date, tablets (columns) have been compiled for more than 600 wells penetrated the pre-Jurassic complex. This atlas includes 216 of the most complete sections.

Atlas materials can be useful in describing the geological structure and prospects of oil and gas potential of the Pre-Jurassic complex for specialists, involved in the preparation of the geological study projects of subsurface areas of the KhMAO – Yugra; for subsoil user companies when considering the structure and prospects of oil and gas potential of the Pre-Jurassic complex of licensed subsurface areas of the KhMAO – Yugra; as well as for specialists involved in the interpretation of seismic materials; and in the case of constructing geological sections of deposits discovered within the district.

If you have any questions about purchasing an Atlas, please contact Olga Dushenko by phone in Tyumen: 62-18-62.

September 20, 2023. Ilnar Rinatovich Nigametzyanov, a researcher at the reservoir fluids properties laboratory of the V.I. Shpilman Research and analytical centre, gave a laboratory lesson for students of the Ugra State University on the topic: "Sample preparation and analysis of wastewater by extraction method". The lesson was organized as part of the IV All-Russian educational campaign "Share your knowledge" on the discipline "Environmental monitoring of the environment". The venue for the meeting was the laboratory of the District core storage. V.I.Shpilman Centre young specialists are always positive about such events, consider it important to share practical knowledge, help students to discover their potential, motivate them for development in the chosen direction.

Reference: The action "Share your knowledge" was organized by the Russian society "Knowledge". After the relaunch in 2021, the Company's activities covered 89 regions of the Russian Federation. The lecturers were the best experts in various fields of knowledge. Over 1 million people took part in educational events. The action is taking place for the 4th time and has brought together more than 20,000 lecturers and 50,000 listeners from all over Russia

August 18, 2023. At the invitation of the Autonomous institution of additional education “Sibirius Talent Workshop” Director of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use Andrey Grigoryevich Kopytov took part in the jury in the competition program of the semifinal of the All-Russian contest "Big Change" among students of grades 8-10 and students of secondary vocational education in the Ural Federal District which was held in in Khanty-Mansiysk.

The contest "Big Change" is the flagship project of the Russian movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First", is part of the presidential platform "Russia is a country of opportunities". “The Big Change” is supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. It is co-organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh). In total, more than 1000 talented children from different cities of the country took part in the event.

Director A.G. Kopytov noted that it is necessary to support such initiatives that develop and unite talented youth, and he considers the cases heard to be a good start for novice professionals.

August 8, 2023. Within the framework of the execution of the order of Natalia Vladimirovna Komarova, the Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra, to create a digital core passport, employees of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Resource Use including Levkovich Sergey Vladimirovich, Deputy Director for scientific work, Olga Vladimirovna Latypova, acting head of the Core storage, collecting Department, and Mikhail Sergeevich Yakovlev, Chief Specialist, visited the Basic Mechanized Storage of the Federal State Budgetary Institution " Territorial Fund of Geological Information for the Ural Federal District" in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Region, to exchange experience on creating a digital passport of the core.

The employees of the repository shared their knowledge of design mechanisms, technologies and capabilities with regard to working with information about the core.

The management of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center thanks colleagues from the Territorial Fund of Geological Information for their cooperation.

May 25, 2023. Specialists of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use took part in the international action "Garden of Memory". In the suburbs of Khanty-Mansiysk, near the Kovenskaya River, on a plot of 0.8 hectares, activists planted more than 3000 Scots pine seedlings.

The purpose of the campaign is to plant 27 million trees in memory of each of the 27 million who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Every year, representatives of state authorities, municipalities, representatives of public associations, youth organizations and residents of the autonomous region take part in the event. The organizer of the event was the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources.

May 23-25, 2023. V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use held a meeting of the Interdepartmental Expert Council for the Development of the oil and gas complex of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra organized by the Department of Subsoil Use for the Ural Federal District and the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra.

The meeting was chaired by the Head of the Department for Subsoil Use in the Ural Federal District A.M. Bulatov, Director of the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra S.A. Filatov, Director of the West Siberian branch of the FBU "GKZ" S.V. Prozorov.

From the V.I. Shpilman Center for the Rational Subsoil Use the council consisted of: Director A.G. Kopytov, Deputy Director for Scientific Work S.V. Levkovich, Deputy Director L.M. Zakharova, head of laboratory for development control N.Y. Kuharuk, head of laboratory for the analysis of exploration indicators Gorbyleva E.M., head of laboratory of substantiation of the geological exploration directions in the eastern part of the region Ikon E.V., senior researcher of the laboratory of modeling and analysis of oil field development Pecherin T.N., head of laboratory for the formation and management of the production database Galkina N.Y. (secretary of the expert council).

The Interdepartmental Expert Council considered the results of the implementation of the project indicators for the oil fields development in Yugra in 2022 and the plans of subsoil users for 2023. During the meeting, the members of the commission raised the issues of benefits of NDM (tax on additional income) and hard-to-recover reserves, renewal of some licenses, updating the distribution of reserves by categories. The issues of software, equipment, technologies, chemical reagents import substitution were actively discussed.

A.G. Kopytov said: "We see that companies are working, testing and actively implementing technologies of Russian manufacturers. The interdepartmental commission is ready to summarize and analyze information, develop unified proposals on legislative initiatives, and the Center for Rational Subsoil Use is directly involved in this work."

May 17-18, 2023. The XXII conference of young specialists working in organizations engaged in activities related to the use of subsurface areas on the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra was held in Khanty–Mansiysk.

More than 200 talented young scientists and engineers presented their innovative projects in the field of geology, ecology, hydrocarbon production engineering, HC processing and transportation, in economics and subsurface use management. There are 11 thematic sections in total worked on the site.

The following V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center employees took part in the conference:
- Dinara Nasibullina presented a report on the topic: "Dependence of the detection of initial total oil resources on exploratory drilling",
- Maria Alekseeva presented the report "Generalized classification of tectonic elements of the West Siberian plate",
- Valeria Zakharova presented the report "Analysis of the geological and geophysical knowledge of oil fields in the territory of the undistributed subsoil fund of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra for 01.01.2022" (co-author K.O. Akchurina),
- Evgeny Vatamanyuk presented the report "The effectiveness of the use of production horizontal sidetrack wells in the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra in 2012-2022" (co-authors: I.V. Chernobrovkina, V.S. Butin),
- Fedor Evseev - "Using the microtomography method to create a digital core" (co-author: I.A. Ivanov).

The event is aimed at stimulating and supporting young scientists and engineers. It is also a platform for the experience exchange for representatives of oil and gas companies, universities and research organizations from different regions of Russia.

May 13-14, 2023, an open volleyball competition for the volleyball cup "Yugra Team" among state authorities and state institutions of the Autonomous Region - Yugra was held in Khanty-Mansiysk.

Ten teams (some with very creative names) met on the volleyball court:

1. "Geologist" - Autonomous Institution of Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra "V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use";
2. "Digitals" - Department of Information Technologies and Digital Development of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra;
3. "Boshetunmai" - Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra;
4. Vitamin "D" - Department of Economic Development of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra;
5. "Rocket" - Yugra Entrepreneurship Support Fund "My Business";
6. MFC - Multifunctional center of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra;
7. "Christmas Trees" - Service for control and Supervision in the field of environmental protection, wildlife and forest relations of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra;
8. "Hunting Season" - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra Development Fund;
9. "Sport7ya" - Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra;
10. "Salute" - Department of Education and Science of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra.

The competitions were held in a friendly atmosphere. The winner was the team "Digitals", in second place - "Hunting Season", the team "Boshetunmai" took 3rd place.

"Such events allow not only to diversify the leisure time of employees and maintain their fitness, but also contribute to strengthening the team spirit, which is an indispensable condition for the productive work of our Center", said Director of V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center Andrey Grigoryevich Kopytov, captain of the team «Geologist».

April 28, 2023. How is the core extracted, why and how is it stored and examined? What tasks are being solved nationwide using the results of such studies? This was explained by employees of the Department for the collection, storage and core research of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center to the journalists of GTRK Yugoria. Watch the report from the district core storage in the TV project "Technologies".

April 25-27, 2023, employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center employees visited Syktyvkar on a working visit.

The First Deputy Director Petr Alexandrovich Stulov made a report on the activities of the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center at the territory of Institute of Geology of Komi SC UB RAS. Head of the laboratory of geochemical and mineralogical research, Ella Alexandrovna Vtorushina also told her colleagues in detail about the Core Research Center on the basis of the district core storage. At the meeting, the directions of possible cooperation in the field of the exploration for solid minerals and laboratory studies of geological objects were discussed. It was planned to sign an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between the organizations.

On April 27, during a working meeting in the geology and licensing division of the Department of Subsoil Use in the North-Western Federal District, on the Continental Shelf and in the World Ocean in the Republic of Komi, Deputy head of the Department - Head of the division Mikhail Tarbaev, Petr Alexandrovich Stulov and Director of the Institute of Geology of Komi SC UB RAS, PhD Igor Nikolayevich Burtsev considered the issues of cooperation on the development of the mineral resource base of the regions.

April 22, 2023. Employees of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Use of the Subsoil conducted a tour of the district core storage for children participating in the fifth space shift of the program «Duty on Planet». Students were shown how the core is stored, explained why it needs to be stored and examined, told where the oil lies and how it is extracted. The main purpose of such events is to broaden the horizons and career guidance of teenagers. Also in Khanty-Mansiysk, Schoolchildren talked with the Governor of Ugra Natalia Vladimirovna Komarova and the test cosmonaut of the Roscosmos cosmonaut detachment, Hero of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryzhikov.

The program, in which 123 schoolchildren from 84 regions of Russia take part, is organized with the support of the «Talent and Success» Educational Foundation, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Innovation Assistance Fund, as well as Roscosmos. The final of a series of competitions in the field of space technologies is being held these days in Khanty-Mansiysk on the basis of the "Regional Youth Center". We wish the guys good luck and new victories!

March 31, April 20, 2023,а the V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Use of the Subsoil employees were awarded. The certificates of Commendation "For professional achievements, conscientious effective work, significant contribution to the scientific and analytical and research activities in the field of subsoil use and in connection with the celebration of the Day of the geologist" from the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources were presented by Andrey Grigorievich Kopytov, director of V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center. Certificates were awarded to the following employees:

- Ksenia Olegovna Akchurina – head of the laboratory for calculating hydrocarbon reserves of deposits in the western part of the region,
- Andrey Stanislavovich Vozhdaev – chief of the secret unit,
- Irina Anatolyevna Grishaeva – engineer of the 1st category of the laboratory for the preparation of cartographic and digital information,
- Olga Olegovna Dushenko – head of the planning and economic department,
- Evgeny Petrovich Kaigorodov – head of the laboratory of systematization and processing of geophysical materials,
- Marina Vladimirovna Krysanova – senior procurement specialist,
- Olga Sergeevna Larionova – head of the laboratory of well log interpretation,
- Natalia Vasilevna Marinskaya – leading engineer of the laboratory for monitoring the subsoil use of commonly occuring and solid minerals,
- Maria Leonidovna Moroz – senior researcher of the laboratory of geology of Pre-Jurassic deposits,
- Larisa Vasilevna Mustaeva – work safety specialist of the 7th qualification level,
- Elena Anatolyevna Nedosekina - engineer of the 1st category of the laboratory of subsurface use of groundwater,
- Vera Iosifovna Podlesnova - senior researcher at the laboratory of databases and mapping of industrial infrastructure,
- Denis Yuryevich Ramazanov – engineer of the 1st category of profile and standard reservoir properties studies,
- Svetlana Leonidovna Rylchikova – head of the laboratory for monitoring the licensing of subsurface resources,
- Sergey Viktorovich Savelyev – head of the laboratory of technical support and database administration,
- Olga Petrovna Sikora – engineer of the 1st category of the laboratory of subsurface use of groundwater,
- Marina Anatolyevna Sosnina - engineer of the 1st category of the laboratory of the resource base of common minerals,
- Elena Leonidovna Telitsyna - engineer of the 1st category of the laboratory of registration of oil and gas production.

Andrey Grigoryevich congratulated the team on the professional holiday – the Day of the Geologist, wished employees success and noted: "There is a particle of your work in every ton of Yugra oil".

On March 31, 2023, a 5-party agreement was signed in Khanty-Mansiysk on the implementation of joint activities for the organization of career guidance (production) tours for schoolchildren (grades 7-11) with the aim of their professional self-choice. The signing of the agreement was attended by representatives of the Department for the Development of Tourism and External Relations, the High-Tech Technopark, the Museum of Oil and Gas Geology, and the Regional Youth Center. Director Andrey Grigorievich Kopytov signed the agreement from the site of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use. Joint work will make the program fulfilled and allow to avoid information "overlaps" as well as plan the regulations and schedule clearly.

"It is very important to give young people the right to make a conscious choice of profession, this is the key to their successful education. I believe that many more young people will successfully graduate from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, at least roughly understanding what they will do after graduation. Also, our task is to show them the prospects of working in Yugra and introduce them to specialists in demanding professions," A.G. Kopytov believes.

March 30, 2023, in the lead up to the Geologist Day an online conference "The state of reserves and prospects for geological exploration in Western Siberia under sanctions" was held. The event was attended by Alexander Stanislavovich Timchuk, Deputy Director General of the ZapSibNIIGG, members of the Expert Council of the Oil and Gas Information Agency: Honored Geologist of Yugra, Director General of LLC Shpilman Brothers Alexander Vladimirovich Shpilman, member of the Russian Gas Society, independent expert Roman Ruslanovich Toib, Honored Geologist of Russia Valery Aleksandrovich Karpov, etc. V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use was represented by Director Andrey Grigoryevich Kopytov.

In summing up, A.G. Kopytov said:

- In the territory of Yugra in 2023, the amount of investments in geological exploration by oil and gas companies may sum up to more than 60 billion rubles, which is comparable to investments in recent years. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra is one of the main oil-producing regions of Russia, which accounted for more than 42% of all-Russian oil production in 2022.
- The resource base of Yugra is more than 22 billion tons of oil, of which 35% fall on the studied reserves of industrial categories (A, B1 and C1), and about 50% belong to the resources of categories D (D0, Dl, D1, D2). To increase the categorization of reserves and resources, keeping of annual geological exploration volumes is required"
- In 2022, exploration and appraisal drilling meterage amounted to more than 300 thousand meters, 2D seismic exploration - more than 1.2 thousand linear kilometers, 3D – more than 2 thousand square km.

According to the director of V.I.Spilman Research and Analytical Center, the figures indicate the interest of companies in these investments, which are necessary to obtain new geological information in order to improve the quality of the resource base. Andrey Kopytov also noted: "The dynamics of the last five years shows that oil and gas companies are trying to maintain investments in exploration at the same level without it reducing. We hope that the companies' plans for 2023 for geological exploration in the territory of Yugra will be implemented in full."

Watch the conference recording...

March 22-23, 2023, the VI International Youth Scientific and Practical Forum "Oil Capital" was held in Nizhnevartovsk.
This large-scale event is a platform for the exchange of experience in the field of science and innovation, as well as the development of international relations.

The forum was attended by representatives of oil companies, experts of scientific and industry communities, young engineers and scientists, university students and postgraduates, specialists of scientific and educational centers from Russia and other countries.
The forum included: an International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference under the aegis of the Council of Young Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a competition for innovative projects, the final stage of the educational project "EnerGeniy", a specialized industry exhibition, industry thematic sessions: "Technologies for the development of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves: today and tomorrow", "Carbon regulation and climate projects", "Alternative opportunities for the use of oil in Western Siberia".

One of the main venues of this Forum is the F.K.Salmanov International Petroleum Academic Congress, which traditionally discusses the efficiency of production and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and related environmental and climate problems.

Discussion on topical issues was presented within the plenary section "Image of the future: forecasts and opportunities of the fuel and energy sector". The participants of the discussion in the online format were: Vladimir Yakushev - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District, Pavel Sorokin - First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Pavel Zavalny - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Evgeny Petrov - Head of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, Oleg Zhdaneev - Advisor to the General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Energy Agency" of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, Gennady Shmal - President of the Union of Oil and Gas Industrialists of Russia, as well as young scientists, specialists working in the oil industry.

The recording of the plenary session can be viewed at the link

The forum was attended by heads of the V.I.Spilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use, Director A.G. Kopytov, Deputy Director for Science S.V. Levkovich. Deputy Director E.A. Vtorushina, head of laboratory of collection, processing, storage of core and sludge O.V. Latypova, head of laboratory of prepress processes and internet technologies O.A. Simon. The Center was worthy represented by young specialists: K.T.Chernysheva, R.I.Butyrin, I.R.Nigametzyanov, A.N.Nigametzyanova, F.A.Evseev, R.R.Murtaev. Roman Butyrin successfully delivered a report on the topic: "Studying the transformation of the molecular and group composition of oil pollution of peat soil in the natural conditions of the Northern region (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra) within the autumn-winter period", represented in the section "Ecology. Green Technologies", and took the third place.

The International Youth Scientific and Practical Forum "Oil Capital" has been held in Ugra since 2018. Its purpose is the exchange of experience and the development of international relations in the field of science, innovation and industry education. Over the years, more than 5 thousand people from Russia and 18 countries of the world have become its participants.

In 2023, about 1,000 people from 19 countries took part in the forum. There were represented 108 enterprises from 50 cities of Russia.

The forum participants noted the high level of organization and importance of the event. Watch a video about the forum.

On March 22, 2023, a tripartite agreement on cooperation between the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Autonomous Institution " V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Use of the Subsoil" and Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Y.Н. Mammadaliyev of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan was signed at the Oil Capital forum.

The upcoming joint research will be aimed at studying the hydrocarbons of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra deposits with the view of its using (and its fractions) as therapeutic agents in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin and gastrointestinal tract diseases, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, etc. Azerbaijan has extensive experience in the use of oil for medicinal purposes. Its health resorts operating with Naftalan oil are known all over the world, and colleagues from the Institute of Petrochemistry are ready to share their knowledge in the field of the use of medicinal oil within the framework of a Cooperation agreement.

March 20, 2023, a working meeting with colleagues from the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Academician Y.Mammadaliev of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan was held in Khanty-Mansiysk, in the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources. The meeting discussed the possibilities of cooperation in the field of research and application of oil for medicinal purposes from one of the deposits of the region which is similar in composition to the famous therapeutic Naftalan oil of Azerbaijan. The working group included Deputy Governor Alexey Gennadievich Zabozlaev, Director of the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources Sergey Alexandrovich Filatov, Heads of V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Use of the Subsoil: Director Andrey Grigorievich Kopytov, First Deputy Director Peter Alexandrovich Stulov, Deputy Director Ella Alexandrovna Vtorushina.

The Institute of Petrochemical Processes was represented by Academician, Director General Abbasov Vagif Maggeram ogly, head of the Laboratory of spectroscopic analysis Ulvia Jeyhun gyzy Yolchueva, head of the Department of information and telecommunications Ayaz Muzaffer ogly Mammadov, leading researcher of the Laboratory of functional oligomers Sabina Arif gyzy Seidova, leading researcher of the Laboratory of chemistry and technology of cycloalkylphenols Mehriban Vidadi gyzy Nagieva. The working group also included Alexey Dobrovolsky, Director of the Health Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, management and leading specialists of the Yugra State University. Deputy Director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use E.A. Vtorushina made a report on the results of the conducted research.

As part of the event, a guided tour of the District core storage and laboratory complex of the Core Research Center was arranged for guests. Colleagues from Azerbaijan noted the importance of cooperation not only for the development of science, but also for the creation of friendly relations between organizations, strengthening international relations of Russia and Azerbaijan.

March 13-14, 2023, a working meeting on the topic «Digital Core passport» was held in Khanty-Mansiysk to fulfill the instructions of the Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Natalia Vladimirovna Komarova.

The discussion of issues on the implementation of this order was attended by:
- Novikov Maxim Vasilyevich – Deputy Director, Head of the Oil and Gas Complex Development Administration of the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra;
- Zavtur Vladimir Vladimirovich – Deputy Head of the Geology and Licensing Division of the Department of Subsoil Use in the Ural Federal District for the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra;
- Vyacheslav Cheverdenko – Chief Geologist of the Khanty-Mansiysk branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution "Territorial Fund of Geological Information in the Ural Federal District".

Representatives of the Autonomous Institution "V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use" – Andrey Grigorievich Kopytov – Director, Levkovich Sergey Vladimirovich – Deputy Director for Science, employees of the Department for collection, storage and core research of V.I.Shpilman Research Center and representatives of other organizations («Tyumen Oil Research Center» LLC, «Сoretest Service» LLC, Surgutneftegaz Tyumen Branch LLC).

Following the meeting, the specialists of the working group reviewed options for creating a digital core passport, and prepared proposals for the implementation of the Governor's instructions.

A.G. Kopytov: "It would be right for the selected core to have a document containing geological information, starting from which well it was taken from, when and how it was extracted, what laboratory tests and by whom were carried out, ending with the actual storage location".

Also, representatives of organizations visited our Center and the district state core storage, in order to exchange experience in the areas of activity, types and methods of research.

March 3, 2023. The collection of materials of the 26th scientific and practical conference "Ways of implementing the oil and gas potential of West Siberia" was published on the official website of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Subsoil Use. It can be downloaded in the Publications section.

February 8, 2023, an award ceremony was held in Tyumen for employees of the Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use”, dedicated to the Day of Russian Science.

Deputy director of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use Larisa Zakharova has been presented with the certificate of acknowledgement "For merits in the development of science, higher education and on the occasion of professional holiday - the Day of Russian Science" from Tyumen Region Governor Alexander Moore at the XXXI meeting of the Academic Assembly of Tyumen region.

The certificates of honour of the Department of Education and Science of Tyumen Region "For the development of scientific research on topical issues of fundamental and applied science” were presented to senior researcher of the environmental management laboratory Daria Selivanova and senior researcher of the laboratory of systematization and processing of geophysical materials Oleg Kiselev.

Letters of commendation for success in work of the Department of Education and Science of Tyumen region were presented to Tatiana Dyatlova, a head of industrial infrastructure databases and mapping laboratory and Gulsina Yarova, a senior researcher of the laboratory of the deposits inventory, deposits database management and inventory formation.

The staff of the V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use congratulates colleagues on their well-deserved awards and wishes them further success in scientific and educational activity.

February 2, 2023, a meeting of the Public Council for implementation of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra until 2036 with targets until 2050 was held under the Governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra.

Larisa Mikhailovna Zakharova, Deputy Director of the Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Using”, made a report at the meeting, noting that the region occupies a leading position in hydrocarbon production. In 2021, Yugra produced 215.8 million tons of oil, which accounted for 40.2% of the country's production, and in 2022 – 223.1 million tons. In the long term, the contribution of the region will remain. Over time, the share of high- productive reserves decreases. In order to maintain the oil production rates and hard-to-recover reserves development, companies introduce the new technologies for exploration, oil recovery and refining, as well as study the prospects of hydrocarbon potential of the underlying beds in order to prepare the future reserves.

Import phaseout in the situation of restrained supplies of equipment, technologies, and raw materials to Russia was also a sensitive issue. The representatives of V.I.Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use came up with a proposal to pay an attention to ore deposits in Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Region, with their further appraisal, and develop a program for their development with the support of the Government of Autonomous Region.

Director of the Department of Subsoil Use and Natural Resources Sergey Filatov, who was among the participants of the meeting, gave assent to the initiatives of the Center’s management.

From January 31 to February 3, 2023, in the large hall of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Using in Tyumen, an informational meeting of subsoil users operating in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra took place. The conference was dedicated to the results of exploration activities in 2022 and plans for 2023.

The event was held within the framework of the session of Interdepartmental Expert Council for the Development of the Oil and Gas Complex of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous region.

The subsoil user companies reported on the exploration activities plans for 2023, as well as on the results over a period of 2022. Large companies (Vertically-integrated oil companies) did not adjust the plans, all activities were carried out. Independent subsoil users had a harder time, some took advantage of the right granted by the state and adjusted their calendar plans.

January 25, 2023. V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Resource Using employees took part in a business session of the TVEL fuel company of Rosatom, which was aided by Ugra Development Fund in cooperation with the Department of Industry and held in Khanty-Mansiysk.

The event was dedicated to a new high-tech business areas of the Fuel Company, including services and equipment for oil and gas entities, as well as petrochemicals, IT technologies, digital engineering and telecommunications.

At present, TVEL successfully cooperates with oil and gas companies and research centers of Russia.

Andrey Grigoryevich Kopytov, Director of AI “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Resource Using”, attended the business session and noted: "It was interesting, promising, informative. It is absolutely necessary to participate in such an events in order to exchange experience, look for new opportunities for cooperation".

On January 12, 2023 Levkovich Sergey Vladimirovich was appointed to the post of Deputy director for Scienсe. The staff of the AI "V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center for the Rational Resource Using " congratulates Sergey Vladimirovich on accession to office, wishes him good health and success in his work!

December, 23, 2022. The defense of the scientific report of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” fulfilled on the basis of 2022 and planning period of 2023-2024 took place at Scientific and Technical Council of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, in Khanty-Mansiysk city in accordance with the Geological Statement.

The scientific report was presented by the Heads of the Departments as following:

- Oksenoyd E.E., Head of the Geology Department,
- Gerasimchuk T.A., Head of the Department of Geological Modeling and Reserves Estimation,
- Kukharuk N.Y., Acting Head of the Department of Monitoring of the Oil Fields Development,
- Aleshin S.A., Head of the Department of Industrial Infrastructure and Ecology,
- Rylchikova S.L., Head of the Laboratory for Monitoring of Subsoil Licensing,
- Zakharchenko N. N., Head of Licensing and Subsoil Use Economics Department,
- Sidorov A.A., Head of Mathematical Modeling Laboratory,
- Goncharova V.N., Head of Information Processing Software Department,
- Yakovlev V.M., Head of Data Base Department,
- Simon O.A., Head of Laboratory of Prepress Processes and Internet-technologies,
- Dobrovolskiy D.E., Head of Collection, Storage and Study of Core Material Department,
- Belkina O.A., Head of Department of Fund of Geological and Other Information on the Subsoil,
- Babenishev V.M., Senior Associate of the Laboratory for Monitoring of Subsoil Use of Common and Solid Minerals,
- Anokhina E.A., Head of the Laboratory for Monitoring of Subsoil Use of Common and Solid Minerals,
- Kvashnina I.V., Head of the Laboratory for Subsoil Licensing Projects Preparing.

The representatives of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra  S.A. Filatov, the Director, M.V. Novikov, the Deputy Director, V.V. Korkunov, the Deputy Director and some others took part in the work of the Scientific and Technical Council. The report was adopted unconditionally.

December, 23, 2022. A ceremonial event of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” took place in Khanty-Mansiysk city.

Butyrin Roman Ivanovich, Leading Engineer of the Laboratory of Chromatographic Research Methods, Vtorushina Ella Aleksandrovna, Deputy Director for Science, Dobrovolskiy Dmitriy Evgenyevich, Head of Collection, Storage and Study of Core Material Department, Mukharlyamova Nailya Vakkasovna, Leading Research Associate of Department of Monitoring of the Oil Fields Development, Sidorov Andrey Nikolaevich, Head of the Department of Mathematical Modeling of Geological Objects, Tsvettsykh Diana Ivanovna, Leading Engineer of Collection, Storage and Study of Core Material Department were awarded for conscientious work, professional achievements and significant contribution to the oil and gas industry development of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra by The Gratitude Letters from the Deputy Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra.

Kapustyanskaya Polina Andreevna, Chief Specialist of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, Kulkov Mikhail Grigoryevich, Head of the Laboratory for Chromatographic Research Methods of Collection, Storage and Study of Core Material Department, Muratova Valeriya Mikhaylovna, Head of the Laboratory for Study of Reservoir Fluids Properties Department, Nigametzyanov Ilnar Rinatovich, Engineer of Laboratory for Study of Reservoir Fluids Properties were awarded for conscientious work, professional achievements and significant contribution to the oil and gas industry development of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra by the Gratitude Letter  from Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra.

We congratulate the colleagues on receiving the deserved awards and wish them health and further success in the development of oil and gas industry of Yugra and Russia!

November, 23-25, 2022. XXVI Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of realization of oil and gas potential of the Western Siberia” took place.
Video conference is accessible...

XXVI Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of realization of oil and gas potential of the Western Siberia” took place in Khanty-Mansiysk city from November 23 to 25, 2022. The event was held in the popular face-to-face and distance format. Opening the plenary session, Deputy Director of Subsurface Resources Management Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Maksim Valeryevich Novikov noted the relevance and the need of the event and expressed the hope for productive cooperation and solutions in the current difficult situation in the World. Andrey Grigoryevich Kopytov, Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” welcomed the participants. The new Director of the Centre reminded that the Conference is traditionally a platform for interaction between oil and gas specialists and representatives of the Authorities. As a result of the communication new ideas and ways of their realization are developed.

The Conference covered a wide range of geological, technological, economic, legal, environmental, informational and organizational issues of subsoil use and development of oil industry in the Western Siberia. According to the customary tradition representatives from Government and Agencies of Russian Federation, Executive Authorities of the Autonomous Okrug, oil companies, oil and gas processing companies, exploration and service companies, scientific-research institutes, leading researchers and specialists from Yugra, Yamal, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The total attendance of the Conference: 122 researchers in face-to-face format and 100 participants in online format. More than 400 people watched the online broadcast.

The Plenary Session was moderated by Petr Alexandrovich Stulov (First Deputy Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”). The plenary reports was presented by Vasiliy Yuryevich Morozov (General Director of Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (ZapSibNIIGG), Ivan Ivanovich Nesterov (Deputy Director of Research and Development Centre «Diversified Scientific Enterprise “Geodata”, company), Larisa Mikhailovna Zakharova (Deputy Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”), Maksim Aleksandrovich Tkachenko (Director of Federal State-Funded Institution “State Reserves Committee”, St. Petersburg), Aleksandr Vladimirovich Sokolov (Director of Geological Exploration of «Petroleum Geology Consulting», company), Mikhail Mikhaylovich Popov (Advisor on Sector Solutions in Geology and Geophysics at Digital Solutions Departmen of “BurService”, company), Georgiy Aleksandrovich Kalmykov (Professor of Department for Geology and Geochemistry of Fossil Fuels, Moscow State University), Igor Solomonovich Gutman (General Director of «Institute of Engineering and Scientific Investigation», company).

The Central Panel Discussion «Opportunities of oil and gas potential realization in conditions of international instability in Questions & Answers format” also took place on the first day of the Conference. The moderator was Oleg Valeryevich Zhdaneev (Deputy General Director of Federal State Budgetary Organization Russian Energy Agency of the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation). The participants were as follows: Aleksey Gennadyevich Zabozlaev (Deputy Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra), Pavel Nikolaevich Zavalny (Deputy for the Federal Assembly in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Head of Committee on Energy), Anton Sergeevich Rubtsov (Director of Oil and Gas Complex Department of Ministry of Energy of Russian Federation), Aleksey Mikhailovich Bulatov (Head of the Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District), Pavel Nikolaevich Melnikov (General Director of Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute” (VNIGNI)»), Egor Mikhaylovich Yuon (Deputy General Director of Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Federal Geological Fund”), Sergey Vyacheslavovich Prozorov (Director of the West Siberian Branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Federal Geological Fund”).

Four round tables were held in addition to the Plenary Session and the Central Panel Discussion during the Conference:
- “Prospects of oil reserves development of the Bazhenov suite of the West-Siberian oil and gas province”. The moderator was Alexander Vladimirovich Shpilman (Director of «Shpilman Brothers», company);
- “Increasing resource base by studying deep horizons”. The moderator was Vasiliy Yuryevich Morozov (General Director of Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (ZapSibNIIGG);
- “Mathematical methods in geology. Hydrocarbon systems modeling”. The moderator was Valeriy Alekseevich Galkin (Director of Surgut Branch of Federal State Institution Federal Research Centre of Research Institute for System Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences);
- “Actual directions of organizational and economic mechanisms of subsoil use development in modern conditions”. The moderators are Marina Mikhaylovna Iutina (Head of Department of Geological and Economic Assessment of Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources of Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute” (VNIGNI)»), Nikolay Nikolaevich Zakharchenko (Head of Department of Licensing and Economics of Subsoil Use of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”).
3 sections also took place:
- Section 1. Geological structure, oil and gas potential, prospects for development of resource potential.
The moderators were Larisa Mikhailovna Zakharova (Deputy Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”), Stanislav Grigoryevich Kuzmenkov (Professor of Institute of Petroleum and Gas of Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Yugra State University”);
- Section 2. Laboratory studies of core and fluid. Hydrocarbon systems modeling.
The moderators were Ella Aleksandrovna Vtorushina (Deputy Director for Science of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”), Dmitriy Evgenyevich Dobrovolskiy (Head of Laboratory for Core Collection, Storage and Examination of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”);
- Section 3. Issues of oil fields development and exploitation.
The moderators were Sergey Vyacheslavovich Prozorov (Director of the West Siberian Branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Federal Geological Fund”) and Vitaliy Sergeevich Butin (Head of the Laboratory for Oil and Gas Production Registration of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”);
110 reports were presented at the Conference, including 22 poster papers.

A wide range of issues concerning possibilities of realization of oil and gas potential of the region in the current conditions of international instability, what the state is doing already now to help realize this potential and what chances the Russian oil and gas industry has to maintain its global positions in the global energy system was discussed during the Central Panel Discussion “Opportunities of oil and gas potential realization in conditions of international instability”.

The participants noted the results of pilot works, obtained by Gazpromneft and LUKOIL on the research practice grounds “Bazhenov” at the round table 2 «Prospects of oil reserves development of the Bazhenov suite of the West-Siberian oil and gas province».

The Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Federal Geological Fund” developed and put into practice new Methodological recommendations for the calculation of Bazhenov suite reserves in 2022. It is necessary to continue scientific research to establish patterns of oil potential and develop technologies of oil production from the Bazhenov suite, including thermal gas treatment technology.

As part of the round table “Increasing resource base by studying deep horizons” the participants discussed issues and directions related to the prospects of studying the structure and industrial development of the pre-Jurassic oil and gas reservoirs. It is reasonable to prepare a state program to study the structure and oil and gas content of the difficult reservoirs of the pre-Jurassic and Bazhenov complexes to improve exploration efficiency.

Based on the results of the round table “Actual directions of organizational and economic mechanisms of subsoil use development in modern conditions” it is proposed that as follows:
1. The reserves inventory by subordinate organizations to Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra), which will allow to provide the State with objective information on the allocation of additional groups of reserves related to hard-to-recover reserves and the effectiveness of their incentives;
2. The creation of the regulations of the interaction between territorial bodies of subsoil use management and Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Federal Geological Fund” in terms of state cadastral field improving;
3. The alignment of the factors used in the approved methods for determining the one-time and start-up payment, as well as the procedure for determining the specific amounts of regular payments rates for subsoil use.
4. To ensure that determination coordinates and delineating the zones (the areas) is consistent to which prohibitions and (or) restrictions on subsoil use are imposed in accordance with Article 8 of the Russian Federation Law “On subsoil use” to determine rules for determining coordinates of excluded boundaries from the subsoil field depending on the type of mineral resource in accordance with the Land, Urban Planning, Forestry, Water Codes and subsoil use legislation.

The up-date ideas on mathematical modeling of oil recovery, modeling of wave processes, solving direct and inverse issues of oil field development using proxy-models, etc. were discussed during the round table “Mathematical methods in geology. Hydrocarbon systems modeling”.

Four reports were devoted to the Bazhenov formation, its mineral composition, main factors of the formation and the resource potential at the Section 1. The theme of the potential of the deposits remains relevant and generates a considerable discussion.

The most informative report was presented by the representative of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” on the promising directions of prospecting and exploration works, based on the results of geological exploration of subsoil users and updating of the social and economic development strategy of the Autonomous Okrug. The increase of the resource base is of concern to the State, the Government of the Autonomous Okrug, and subsoil users. It is proposed to unite these efforts to choose the right direction.

It was recommended to restart thematic work with the involvement of institutions and subsoil users to revise outdated stratigraphic sectional planes on the new geological information and clarification of the deposit index marks in accordance with the regional structure.

The research of a young scientist from Yugra State University was recognized as a promising project at the Section 2, it aimed at creating an express method for assessing the resistance of oil components to solvents, which will allow subsoil users to promptly plan for an enhanced oil recovery.

The discussion of profile specialists from leading scientific centers of Moscow, Tomsk, Ufa, Tyumen and Khanty-Mansiysk showed the need for a single universal method for assessing the katagenesis of organic matter, which will increase the reliability of determining the scale of oil generation of the Bazhenov formation.

The proposals for implementation of new technologies to enhance oil recovery, increasing the efficiency of the reservoir pressure maintenance system for low-permeability reservoirs, porosity and permeability properties of bottom-hole zones. Reports were presented on the prospects of equipment import substitution in the oil and gas sector at the Section 3.
It resulted in the following conclusions:
- The implementation and application of new technologies to enhance oil recovery and to increase the efficiency of reservoir pressure maintenance in the future will allow achieving the project oil production in Yugra;
- The need is to develop and improve the unified methodological guidelines for conducting geological and technical activities in the oil and gas industry.

The report on the subject of “Structure and evaluation of oil and gas content prospects of Lower and Middle Jurassic on the areas of 2023 subsoil licensing program of the Serginskiy oil and gas district” aroused interest in the Poster Paper Section, which illustrates the geological information on the prospective areas in detail for subsoil users. Additionally, the paper “Methods of geological risk maps making for major regional works” was noted, which is aimed at selecting the least risky objects, which will increase the effectiveness of geological exploration and will serve to maintain the resource base of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

The Organizing Committee thanks everybody who took part in the Conference. The book of reports will be published at the official website of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” in the first quarter of 2023.

Копытов А.Г.
Калмыков Г.А.

глобальная энергия

November, 18, 2022. According to the Order of the Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra N.V. Komarova Kopytov Andrey Grigoryevich was appointed to the position of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”. In his welcoming speech Andrey Grigoryevich shared his vision for the Centre further development, outlined the main tasks, and expressed his readiness to support the initiatives of the staff, promote their professional growth and develop the science.

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” congratulates Andrey Grigoryevich on being appointed the Director, wishes success in his work, achieving the most ambitious goals and tasks!

October, 27, 2022. The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” took part as volunteers in completing of «Backpacks for mobilized members». This is one of the measures to support the region residents taken in Yugra, who called for a limited mobilization. The funds are allocated from the reserve fund of the Okrug. As the task was to complete several thousand backpacks, a kind of conveyor was organized. The completion went on strictly per the list. The kit contains everything that can be useful in the field from thermal underwear for all seasons to a medical pack and communication means. The list consists of 28 items, 26 of ones are placed in the field marching backpack.

The staff of the Centre hopes for a speedy and good special operation termination and wishes the mobilized members to return home alive and unspoiled.

From September 29 till September 30, 2022. Annual Yugra Industrial and Investment Forum took place in Khanty-Mansiysk city.

The event was traditionally attended by heads of federal and regional authorities, industrial enterprises, development institutions, representatives of business and investment community. The main topic of the event was import substitution and innovation in the oil and gas industry.

The staff of Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of Subsoil” presented fields of the work at the specialized exhibition organized within the framework of the Forum. The expositions were also presented by industrial enterprises working in the field of oil and gas engineering, oil production and oil service, energy, wood industry, light industry, as well as higher education institutions and financial and credit institutions.

An excursion to the Region Core Storage Facility was organized for the Forum participants.

August, 30, 2022. Two new “Yugra Stars” were opened on the Memorial of the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas before Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

The staff of Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil is particularly proud of one «Star» dedicated to the outstanding geologist, with the participation of which more than 300 fields of the Middle Ob were discovered, Deputy Director for Geology of Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil (1995-2012) Evgrafiy Artemyevich Teplyakov.

The award from the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova was received by Evgrafiy Artemyevich’s grandson, the hereditary geologist Artem Teplyakov.

The staff of the Centre congratulates Evgrafiy Artemyevich on the deserved award and wishes him good health and long life. We thank you, Evgrafiy Artemyevich, for your contribution to science, for the work in the development of the oil and gas sector of our country, and for mentoring young professionals who proudly continue your work.

The second «Star» is dedicated to Yuriy Shafranik, Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry, Minister of Fuel and Energy from 1993 to 1996, President of Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia.

Plenipotentiary Representative in the Ural Federal District Vladimir Yakushev took part in the solemn event.

Тепляков Е.А.

August, 09, 2022. Aleksey Leonidovich Teksler, the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, visited the Core Storage Facility of the region as member of the delegation. The staff of the Core Storage Facility showed the experience, organized the excursion to the Core Research Centre, and demonstrated the equipment operation.

During a business trip to Khanty-Mansiysk, the main topic of which was the import substitution, Aleksey Leonidovich Teksler was informed of the work of several organizations and enterprises of the region. He visited V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil, Production Management Center of LLC «Gazpromneft-Khantos», as well as Yugra Fish Rearing Station.

Natalya Komarova, the Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra said, “Today our strategic documents create the conditions for the formation of the business community for development of Chelyabinsk Region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Russia. We are ready to cooperate with the enterprises of Chelyabinsk Region; we are interested to work on the conditions of localization of production facilities in our region. We have created a whole infrastructure of business project support. It is the tax incentives, the loans, as well as a compensation of the expenses.”

During the delegation work of the Chelyabinsk Region at the Okrug, several documents on cooperation were signed. This is a plan of measures for the implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra and the Chelyabinsk Region on cooperation in trade and economic, research and engineering, cultural and other directions for 2022-2024.

Филатов Текслер Забозлаев

July, 11, 2022. Khanty-Mansiysk city welcomed the participants of prestigious international energy prize «Global Energy» launch.

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” led by temporarily in charge of the Director P.A. Stulov held an study excursion to the Core Storage Facility and the Core Research Centre. The event took place within the cycle of scientific and educational events to the «Global Energy» Award and a press tour with the participation of foreign publication journalists accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the federal mass media, as well as the film crew of the “Global Energy Association”.

The delegation included Brilev Sergey Borisovich, journalist, President of the Association for the Development for International Research and Projects in the Field of Energy «Global Energy», Rae Kwon Chung (South Korea), Member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, Professor Emeritus of Incheon National University, Dmitriy Bessarabov, Director of the Expert Advisory Centre for Hydrogen Strategy at the Ministry of Science and Technology of South Africa, William Il Byun, Managing Director of Asia Renewables, Head of Greenpower Fuels, Director of Conchubar Infrastructure Fund, Independent Director of the International Green Technologies and Investment Projects Center and many others.

The ceremony will take place on July 12 at the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas. The event will be attended by the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Natalya Komarova. Temporarily in charge of the Director Petr Aleksandrovich Stulov was invited as an honorary guest from Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil.

глобальная энергия
глобальная энергия

June, 21, 2022. A meeting of the Public Council for the implementation of the Strategy of social and economic development of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra to 2030 was held under the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and for the consideration of the draft Strategy of social and economic development of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra to 2036 with targets until 2050.

A total of 155 persons, the heads and representatives of the cities, the districts, the services, the departments and the subordinate organizations took part in the meeting of the Public Council, chaired by Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova.

The Deputy Director Zakharova Larisa Mikhailovna and the Research Associate of Department for the Monitoring of Oil Field Development Orenburkin Anton Vladimirovich participated in the meeting as the representatives of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

Two directions (geological and oil and gas industry) of particular importance for the region were updated by Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” as a part of purposeful document (Strategy of social and economic development of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra to 2036 with targets until 2050) updating.

Deputy Director Zakharova Larisa Mikhailovna presented a report on “Oil and gas production” section.

The report included the following subsections:
- Efficiency analysis of the oil and gas industry for the period from 2016 to 2020.
- Production infrastructure status of oil and gas production of KhMAO-Yugra.
- Analysis and development of the tax system in the field of subsoil use.
- Main activity areas for achieving strategic goals.
- Environmental impact assessment of the oil industry.

A summary assessment of performance indicators for KhMAO – Yugra field development for the long-term period which looks forward to the year 2050.

The specialists of Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil made forecasts regarding the oil production industry of the region until 2036 and the targets until 2050, the dynamics of the actual indicators up to 2022 and their comparison with the previous period. The close connection of the industry with the tense geopolitical situation, which creates all background for stimulation of import-substituting technologies, the basis for ensuring cooperation between oil and service companies with international and Russian educational centers for training their own specialists capable of managing Russian high-tech equipment, further development of hard-to-recover reserves, including through improved hydrocarbon extraction technologies and subsurface exploration, were noted.

June, 07, 2022. Group of layers on «Exploration drilling» (as of 01.04.2022), «Exploration works map of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra in 2022» and «Underground structure contour map of the bottom of the Bazhenov formation» have been updated on Geoportal YUGRA.

May, 26, 2022. An intramural conference on chemistry took place for the first time in Yugra State University in Khanty-Mansiysk. The event was dedicated to the Chemical Worker’s Day, which is celebrated this year on May, 29. Participants of the conference were scientific and pedagogical workers, postgraduate students, Yugra State University students.

The representatives of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” took part in the conference. Vtorushina Ella Aleksandrovna, Deputy Director, Candidate of Chemical Sciences told about the basic fields of work of the Centre laboratory facilities and about one of the main trends such as an evaluation of hard-to-recover oil and gas reserves.

Currently the staff of the Centre is creating the molecular identity document for Bazhenov suite which is the largest source of «hard-to-recover oil». The production of such oil may become less difficult and quite cost-effective in the future, thanks to Yugra State University student and graduate research working in Centre laboratory facilities.

The staff of the Centre, postgraduate students showed a master class on speaking at conferences. Nekhorosheva Darya Sergeevna presented a report on the subject of «Attachment for analysis of readily volatile organic fluids using Infrared Spectroscopy». Kuklina Valeriya Mikhailovna made a report on «Analytical control of hydrocarbon liquid insulators». The young professionals showed what opportunities and prospects await students in the field of natural sciences.

The organizers and participants noted the high quality of reports and presentations.

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” offers congratulates the colleagues, Yugra State University lectures and students upon the successful first intramural conference on chemistry, and wishes further success in the development of this activity!

From May 25 to May 26, 2022. «XXI Conference of Young Professionals Working in Organizations Carrying out Activities Related to the Use of the Subsoil Plots on the Territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra» took place in Khanty-Mansiysk city.
The conference was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Honorary Oil Developer, innovator and discoverer in the oil and gas industry V.I. Muravlenko’s birth.

The following XXI Conference sessions were held:

Session 1. Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields.
Session 2. Geophysical prospecting for hydrocarbons, field and geophysical methods for development of raw hydrocarbons fields.
Session 3. Development of raw hydrocarbons fields.
Session 4. Well performance technology, well intervention.
Session 5. Oil and gas production, treatment and transportation.
Session 6. Well drilling. Capital workover operations and wireline operations, oil field service.
Session 7. Engineering and oil and gas field infrastructure development. Oil field equipment.
Session 8. Information technology, automation, metrology and communication industry.
Session 9. Industrial energy production and energy efficiency.
Session 10. Economics, finance, management and production engineering.
Session 11. Environment. Industrial safety. Rational use of associated gas. Technology and equipment of oil and gas processing and petrochemical industry.

Representatives from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” Kuzmina Elena Sergeevna with a report “Mineral and component classification of Bazhenov high-carbon formation rocks”, Perechnev Roman Viktorovich with a report “Application of geochemical indicators for the possibility of the Bazhenov horizon sectional layering”, Commissarov Ivan Aleksandrovich “Using the NMR method for determining the lithological characteristics of rocks”, Zakharova Valeriya Aleksandrovna “Causal relations in «migration» of fields from the unallocated fund to the allocated ones and the reverse as of 01.01.2021” took part in the conference.

Kuzmina Elena Sergeevna was awarded with a stimulating prize and a laureate diploma. The staff of Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil congratulates Elena Sergeevna and wishes all participants further success!

конференция молодых ученых 2022
конференция молодых ученых 2022

May, 17-19, 2022. The next meeting of the Interdepartmental Expert Council took place in the hall of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” in Tyumen city.

Representatives of 39 companies - subsoil users (7 of which were available online) reported on the oil production volume, production drilling, well intervention aimed at oil recovery efficiency increasing in 2021. They also reported on the status of hydrocarbon reserves, the implementation of decarbonization agendas, i.e. the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and shared perspectives for 2022.

During the meeting, the participants discussed issues related to environment and the difficulties of industrial development of KhMAO - Yugra resource base.

S.A. Filatov, Director of Subsurface Resources Management Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, A.I. Varichenko, Head of the Department for Information and Analytical Support of Licensing of Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (“ZapSibNIIGG”), S.V. Prosorov, Director of West Siberian branch of Federal State-Funded Institution “State Reserves Committee”, I.A. Damaskina, Head of West-Siberian Division of State-owned Federal State Institution «Russian Geology Consultation» (“Rosgeolekspertiza”), N.I. Murashko, Head of the State Geological Supervision Department on the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, I.V. Chernyshev, Deputy Head of Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District, Head of Department for Geology and Subsoil Licensing on KhMAO – Yugra were members of the Council.

The working group included P.A. Stulov, temporarily in charge of Director, L.M. Zakharova, Deputy Director, E.V. Ikon, Head of Laboratory for Justification of the Exploration Works Trends in the Eastern Part of the Region, N.Yu. Kukharuk, temporarily in charge of Head of Monitoring of Oil Field Development Department, N.V. Mukharlyamova, Leading Research Associate of Monitoring of Oil Field Development Department, T.N. Pecherin, Senior Research Associate of Monitoring of Oil Field Development Department, A.V. Orenburkin, Expert (online), N.Yu. Galkina, Head of Laboratory of Creation and Management of Oil Production Database, Secretary of the Interdepartmental Expert Council.

Межведомственный экспертный совет

April 26-29, 2022. The meeting of Interdepartmental Expert Council took place in the large hall of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” in Tyumen city  according to the Order dated 06.04.2022 № 907/79 on establishment of the Interdepartmental Expert Council for the Oil and Gas Complex Development of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra which had been set up within Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District and Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra and the Order dated 06.04.2022 № 908/80 оn holding of the Interdepartmental Expert Council meeting for the Oil and Gas Complex Development of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra within Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District and Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to review the results of exploration of subsoil users for hydrocarbons, as well as indicators specified in detailed study of development of raw hydrocarbons fields, implemented by subsoil users at the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in 2021 and within 2022 plans».

The members of the working group are A.M. Bulatov, Head of Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District, S.A. Filatov, Director of Subsurface Resources Management Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, T.Yu. Medvedeva, Deputy Head of Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District, A.A. Smirnova, Deputy Head of Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District, O.E. Polyakova, Head of  the Department for Geology and Information Support of Subsurface Resources Management Department, V.Yu. Morozov, General Director of Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (“ZapSibNIIGG”), I.P. Purtova, Deputy General Director of “ZapSibNIIGG”, A.I. Varichenko, Head of the Department for Information and Analytical Support of Licensing of “ZapSibNIIGG”, S.V. Prosorov,  Director of West Siberian branch of Federal State-Funded Institution “State Reserves Committee”, I.A. Damaskina, Head of West-Siberian Division of State-owned Federal State Institution «Russian Geology Consultation» (“Rosgeolekspertiza”). Representatives of 63 companies-subsoil users, 5 of which available online were heard by the members during four days.

The working group included temporarily in charge of the Director P.A. Stulov, Deputy Director L.M. Zakharova, Head of Laboratory for Justification of the Exploration Works Trends in the Eastern Part of the Region E.V. Ikon, Head of the Laboratory of Analysis of Basic Values of Geological Exploration Activities, Secretary of the Interdepartmental Expert Council E.M. Gorbyleva from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

The meeting was held in a face-to-face format. All working days were very busy, active. Representatives of subsoil user companies reported on raw base of the companies, changes in the resource base of the licensed subsoil areas, volumes of geological exploration works held in 2021, discoveries and failures.

Within 2022 plans of the companies were set out in some detail.

The face-to-face discussions enabled the members of the Council to obtain answers to the questions directly during the report discussion. The participants had an opportunity to constructively discuss issues, including those related to legislation changes in the field of subsoil use, as well as noted the importance of such meeting format and proposed to expand the format of the Expert Council in the future.

March, 31, 2022. Regular map updating has taken place on Geoportal YUGRA. Layers such as «Generally accessible hunting areas», «Assigned hunting areas» are updated (according to the Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra data as of 01.01.2022), the layer “Subsoil plots of widespread mineral deposits production” is updated as of 01.03.2022.


March, 23-24, 2022. The Fifth International Youth Scientific and Practical Forum “Oil Capital” was held in Surgut city. The event is timed to coincide with 110th anniversary of V.I. Muravlenko birth. The Forum was organized with the support of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and the Union «Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra».

The program of the Forum included a competition of innovative projects, industry round tables, the IV International Oil Academic F.K. Salmanov Congress, the career guidance counseling educational project «Winter School «EnerGenius», the specialized exhibition of innovative projects in the field of fuel and energy complex «Innovations. Development - 2022», the practical platform «Scientific and technological development in fuel and energy complex», social and cultural program for the Forum participants and guests.

The main event of the Forum was Plenary Discussion «Sustainability trend: how ESG ground rules change «oil». All Forum events were broadcast live on the website

The International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference «Future technologies of the oil and gas producing areas» under the auspices of the Council of Young Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences in online/offline formats was held also within the framework of the Forum.

Petr Alexandrovich Stulov, temporarily in charge of the Director, Zakharova Larisa Mikhailovna, Deputy Director and Butin Vitaliy Sergeevich, the Head of the Laboratory for Oil and Gas Production Registration were representatives from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

P.A. Stulov provided a report of «Hard-to-recover oil reserves of Yugra and prospects of the development», Deputy Director L.M. Zakharova told about the geological industry state in the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, in particular, the hydrocarbon resource base and the prospects for its increasing. Analytical studies were carried out as the part of the updating of the Okrug development strategy until 2050. A detailed activity analysis like geology, field development, infrastructure development, the resource base status, estimation of reserves, licensing, and economics was conducted by the specialists of the Centre.

Стулов П.А.
Захарова Л.М.

March, 21-22, 2022. Magnitogorsk city, the Chelyabinsk region. The delegation from the Yugra took part in the meeting on interregional experience in the sphere of industrial tourism development «Industrial Hospitality Practice». The event was held within the framework of the project «Competence Center for Industrial Tourism Development in the Russian Federation».

The delegation of KhMAO - Yugra presented the concept of industrial tourism development of the region at the strategic session. The delegation included representatives of Industry Department of Yugra, Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk and Severavtodor. Latypova Olga Vladimirovna, the Head of the Laboratory of Core and Sludge Collection, Processing, and Storage was the representative from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

The Yugra industrial enterprises were shown the Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant tour circuit. The meeting participants discussed practical issues of excursion organization, safety measures for implementation of excursions, assessed the production extent and formed a generally positive impression of the event.

Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” is actively involved in the industrial tourism development. The Regional Core Storage Facility holds regular excursions for schoolchildren, students and guests of the city. Excursion formats target different professional levels and take into account the interests of professionals of different areas of the oil and gas industry, as well as non-profile specialists.

Центр компетенций
Центр компетенций

Foto from the site

March, 16, 2022. Updated layers of “Subsoil licensing map of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra territory” and “Map of oil and gas fields» have been posted on Geoportal YUGRA.

March, 02, 2022. The journal “Subsoil User Herald of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra”, № 30 issue is published. The journal will be issued in electronic form only starting in 2022.

Read the issues…Download № 30 issue …

February, 15, 2022. The book of reports of XХV Anniversary Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of realization of oil and gas potential of KhMAO – Yugra” has been published (download the book). The edition is available in electronic format only for a second year running.

Read the section “Publications”...

January, 21, 2022. The meeting between Temporarily in Charge of the Director Petr Aleksandrovich Stulov, Deputy Director Larisa Mikhaylovna Zakharova and Ural State Mining University board at the invitation of Rector, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Aleksey Vladimirovich Dushin took place in Yekaterinburg city.

Ural State Mining University is one of the winners of the Federal program «Priority 2030», organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, within the framework of which the project «Deep Oil» is realized by the University.

The project is aimed at solving the issues of hydrocarbon genesis on the basis of analysis of seismic and other materials, core study of deep foundation well and fundamental regularities of oil and gas reservoir structures.

Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” has a unique database on most of the project directions. The parties agreed on the intention of joint participating in the work.

December, 28, 2021. Successful defense of the scientific report “Research, analytical and information providing of the state authorities of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra in the area of subsoil use” of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” fulfilled on the basis of 2021 and planning period of 2022-2023 region budget resources took place at Scientific and Technical Council of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, in Khanty-Mansiysk city in accordance with Geological Statement. The Council was in the hydride format. The Tyumen office staff took part in it with the help of video conference communication.

Representatives of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” E.A. Vtorushina, N.N. Zakharchenko, S.L. Rylchikova, O.A. Belkina, D.E. Dobrovolskiy, A.V. Orenburkin, Yu.V. Kazantsev and some others took part in the work of the Scientific and Technical Council.

The report of the Khanty-Mansiysk office was presented by Temporarily in Charge of the Director P.A. Stulov and Deputy Director S.N. Alenichev. The report of the Tyumen office was presented by Deputy Director L.M. Zakharova.

S.A. Filatov, Director of Subsurface Resources Management Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, M.V. Novikov, Deputy Director – Head of Division for Fuel and Energy Complex Development, V.V. Korkunov, the Deputy Director, and some others took part in the work of the Scientific and Technical Council. The report was adopted unconditionally.

December, 07, 2021. A solemn award ceremony of the staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” on the occasion of XХV Anniversary Conference “Ways of Realization of Oil and Gas Potential of West Siberia” took place in Tyumen city. The Centre staff working in Khanty-Mansiysk and conference participants who came from Tyumen were awarded earlier, on November, 24, 2021.

The staff was awarded for dedicated work and high professionalism, for significant contribution to the West Siberia fuel and energy complex development of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and on the occasion of XХV Anniversary Conference “Ways of Realization of Oil and Gas Potential of West Siberia”.

Korepanov Igor Borisovich, Butin Vitaliy Sergeevich, Koroleva Lyubov Mikhailovna, Ryabov Andrey Viktorovich were awarded by the Letter of Appreciation from the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Duma.

Zakharova Larisa Mikhailovna, Oksenoyd Elena Efimovna, Chernova Galina Aleksandrovna, Khalturina Rimma Viktorovna, Orenburkin Anton Vladimirovich, Baranova Ekaterina Anatolyevna, Rylchikova Svetlana Leonidovna, Kyzylov Mikhail Pavlovich, Kozlov Igor Vladimirovich, Shpega Yuriy Alekseevich, Kuklina Valeriya Mikhaylovna, Vtorushin Maksim Nikolaevich, Groshikova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Mamontova Olesya Olegovna, Kulkov Mikhail Grigoryevich, Kapustyanskaya Polina Andreevna were awarded by the Letter of Appreciation from Deputy Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra A.G. Zabozlaev. The award of the staff working in Tyumen took place in a remote format.

Kyzylova Elena Leonidovna, Kazantseva Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Aleshina Tatyana Vladimirovna, Mistyurina Yulia Vladimirovna, Gidion Yulia Vladimirovna, Rassokhina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Saliev Tamerlan Akhmedovich, Petrovets Natalya Vladimirovna were awarded by the Certificate of Merit from Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department.

Toropova Marina Aleksandrovna, Kokhanko Olga Pavlovna, Popova Natalya Leonidovna, Gavrikova Svetlana Yuryevna, Pecherin Timofey Nikolaevich, Snigireva Olga Nikolaevna, Motoshin Evgeniy Mikhailovich, Kuzmina Elena Sergeevna, Butyrin Roman Ivanovich were awarded by the Letter of Appreciation from Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department.

Akchurina Kseniya Olegovna, Zakharova Valeriya Aleksandrovna, Larionova Olga Sergeevna, Bolotova Irina Leonidovna, Sidorov Andrey Andreevich, Kuminov Valeriy Sergeevich, Krysanova Marina Vladimirovna, Kiselev Oleg Valentinovich, Moroz Mariya Leonidovna, Savranskaya Mariya Petrovna, Stepanova Elena Aleksandrovna, Ikon Elena Vladimirovna, Oleinik Elena Vladimirovna, Podlesnova Vera Iosifovna, Kryuk Elena Nikolaevna, Dyatlova Tatyana Izyanovna, Remen Natalya Sergeevna, Kukharuk Natalya Yuryevna, Galkina Natalya Yuryevna, Batyrov Yuriy Vladimirovich, Becker Igor Valerievich, Kozelskaya Natalya Vladimirovna, Evlash Kseniya Vladimirovna, Remzov Sergey Vladimirovich, Pereyatinets Ivan Vladimirovich, Kusayko Alexander Nikolaevich, Shlyakhov Dmitriy Alexandrovich, Yadryshnikova Natalya Anatolyevna, Chaynikov Vladimir Leonidovich, Pivovarova Elena Sergeevna, Ramazanov Denis Yuryevich, Rusinov Vitaliy Borisovich, Grosheva Olga Viktorovna, Butorina Natalya Nikolaevna were awarded by the Letter of Appreciation from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” congratulates the specialists on the well-deserved honors and wishes further success in work, good health, personal happiness and family-based welfare!

December, 06, 2021. Gazprom Neft, Skoltech and KhMAO - Yugra develop technologies to produce “difficult” oil.

Gazprom Neft, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil based in KhMAO – Yugra signed an agreement on creating an engineering centre to develop and market exploration and production technologies for “hard-to-recover” hydrocarbons. The project will help create the largest laboratory facility in Russia engaging in the oil research.

The agreement was signed by Kirill Strizhnev, General Director of “Gazpromneft – Technological Partnerships”, Alexander Kuleshov, President of Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, and Petr Stulov, Head of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil. The partners agreed to create a joint venture and a full-function engineering centre around the Skoltech Oil and Gas Laboratory and the Core Research Center in Khanty-Mansiysk. The new facility will be used to conduct research and engineering experiments, create exploration and production technologies for “difficult” hydrocarbons, and develop enhanced oil recovery methods. In addition, the centre will develop hydrogen production, transportation and storage solutions, as well as CO2 capture and storage technologies.

The centre will be fitted with unique equipment for studying samples of hard-to-recover and unconventional oil. Its team will engage in integrated support projects to facilitate petrophysical, geophysical and geological modeling, drilling optimization, well completion, and hydraulic fracturing.

Alexey Vashkevich, Director for Technology Development, “Gazprom Neft”:
“The project aims to create a one-of-a-kind engineering centre in Russia that will develop and market advanced solutions for the study and development of hard-to-recover reserves. We are partnering to provide a wide range of custom research services for various needs, such as production of “difficult” oil, materials design, additive technologies, and CO2 capture and storage.”

Kirill Strizhnev, General Director, “Gazpromneft – Technological Partnerships”:
“Gazprom Neft, Yugra and Skoltech have been pursuing research on hard-to-recover reserves for years. Over time, we have acquired unique competencies, built professional teams, and created and implemented new solutions for the development of the Bazhenov oil and other “difficult” hydrocarbons. The synergy of the partners’ expertise and resources will help address the current challenges by creating breakthrough technologies and commercial solutions that will be made available to market players both in Russia and other regions, including the Middle East.”

Alexander Kuleshov, President of Skoltech:
“We have been partners with Gazprom Neft for years: Skoltech has been performing contracts for Gazprom Neft teams, while benefiting from their production experience, technology excellence and proficiency in setting tasks of high practical relevance. At Skoltech, we have built a unique core and fluids research laboratory in Russia. The new joint venture will help market the exploration and production technologies created by Skoltech and its partners, and I believe that we will accomplish a lot in our joint engineering centre with Gazprom Neft and Yugra coming in as partners.”

Petr Stulov, Head of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil:
“This technology partnership project will help deal with the industry-wide challenge of extracting hard-to-recover oil, while engaging and retaining high-skilled professionals in Yugra. I am sure that the centre’s extensive project portfolio will satisfy the professional ambitions of both talented young scientists and seasoned experts.”

«Gazprom Neft» with participation of Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil and with the support of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug -Yugra established the Core Research Centre in Khanty-Mansiysk (CRC). The first laboratories began operating in 2018. The establishment of the CRC in Khanty-Mansiysk is due to the high concentration of unconventional hydrocarbon reserves in the region and provides an opportunity for expertise in the vicinity of the fields. More than 80 units of high-precision equipment (scanners, spectrometers, litho scanners, tomographs, etc.) are installed at the Centre to study rocks containing hard-to-recover reserves.

There are six high-tech laboratories for studying of reservoir fluids properties, geochemistry, lithology, petrophysical studies, sample preparation and cross-sectional studies.

«Gazprom Neft» and «Skoltech» have been cooperating for more than 5 years. During this time, about 30 scientific projects were implemented, including a comprehensive study of the Bazhenov suite. The collaborative work continues on such projects as «Water-free fracturing», «Oil recovery factor enhancing in unconventional reserves using tertiary enhanced oil recovery», «Digital core laboratory».


November, 30, 2021. Today the 40th birthday is celebrated by Filatov Sergey Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department. The staff of Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil remembers Sergey Aleksandrovich as a student who came to work at the Centre in 2001. He was talented, promising, young, ambitious, athletic and active. The person who can skillfully combine the qualities of a leader, the social activity and the ability to get along well with very different people. He is pleasant in communication, well-informed and intellectually curious. He is creative and ingenious.

He became the Candidate of Economic Sciences, devoted more than 10 years to scientific work and wrote many articles and three monographs. In 2008 at the solemn event dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Centre, A.V. Shpilman, in a kind joke, named Sergey Aleksandrovich, who was the Head of the Geological and Economic modelling Department, «Hope of the Centre». The staff looks back to this story traditionally with a smile. After a few years the young and promising Sergey Filatov became the Director of “Depnedra”.

Dear Sergey Aleksandrovich, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. We wish good health, good luck and great success in the development of the Western Siberia subsoil. Let you always be surrounded by reliable, caring people, good friends and the beloved family. You said in 2016 while awarding the Centre staff by the Certificates of Merit from the Subsurface Resources Management Department on the occasion of 11 billionth ton of oil production that you love our Centre and recall warmly the years of the work at it. We believe that our good relationship will last the entire life.

Филатов Сергей Александрович

From November 24 till November 26, 2021. XХV Anniversary Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of Realization of Oil and Gas Potential of West Siberia” took place in the recently popular hybrid format in Khanty-Mansiysk city. The Conference has brought together scientists and specialists of the oil and gas industry since 1997 annually. The first conference, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of V.I. Muravlenko’s birth, was attended by about 200 specialists, over 50 companies and organizations.

At the beginning the results of their activities and researches were presented by the main oil companies operating at the territory of the Okrug and the leading industrial research institutes of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Saint Petersburg, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, and the events were added later by representatives of Ministries and Agencies of the Russian Federation, specialists and scientists of more than 30 cities of the republics of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Sakha (Yakutia), Komi, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Perm Territiry, Tomsk Region, Tver Region, Kaluga Region, Samara Region, Omsk Region and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, as well as Belarus, Norway, Germany and France.

Traditionally, the conference participants consider a wide range of geological, economic, legal, environmental, information and organizational issues of subsoil use and oil industry of the Okrug and throughout Western Siberia since 2018.

A speaker interest to the Section of Laboratory and Analytical Studies of Core and Fluid has increased with time. Major oil companies are equipping core storage facilities and laboratories with modern equipment, and there is a clear tendency for geochemical studies and technological experiments to be used in engineering of the field development.

Companies began to develop physicochemical methods of oil recovery increasing. One of the main methods is still reservoir fracturing, the technology is improving and its scope of application is extending.

The concept of the development of geological and exploration activities on the allocated subsoil fund of KhMAO - Yugra is regularly considered, as well as the evaluation of economic efficiency conducted by oil companies.

An individual important issue is solid minerals. The development of the Subpolar Urals and its surrounding areas as a new impetus for the Yugra development was also highlighted during the Conference.

Another important issue was the work of the staff of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil for Okrug development strategy until 2050, based on industry development forecast on the basis of the field development, the resource base, a determination of prospective zones, geological and exploration activities, project documents and the up-to-date data provided by companies.

247 participants and attendees from 52 organizations and 22 human settlements, including France and Hungary, applied for the Conference. 135 reports were submitted, including 17 Internet posters. In total, over the years of the event, more than 7,300 people participated in the conference, and more than 3,100 reports were heard, much of which were published in the annual books of reports.

At the plenary session Filatov Sergey Aleksandrovich (Director of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra) delivered an opening speech; Stulov Petr Aleksandrovich (Temporarily in Charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”) spoke about the priority activities of the Centre; Vtorushina Ella Aleksandrovna (Deputy Director for Science of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”) presented a report on «Core Research Centre Competences in the field of hard-to-recover reserve study»; Zakharova Larisa Mikhailovna (Deputy Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”) presented a paper on the subject of «Characteristics of the geological industry state and target indicator developing for the social and economic development strategy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in the long run»; Morozov Vasiliy Yurievich (General Director of Federal Autonomous Institution “Western Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Geology and Geophysics”) presented a paper on «The priorities of regional study of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Province. Scientific and thematic works is the key to increase efficiency of field geological and exploration works»; and, of course, Shpilman Alexander Vladimirovich (Director of «Shpilman Brothers», company) presented a paper on «Development of new methodological recommendations on oil reserve estimation of Bazhenov deposits».

After the break Nesterov Ivan Ivanovich, Brekhuntsov A.M. (Research and Development Centre «Diversified Scientific Enterprise “Geodata”, company) presented a report on the subject of «Main directions of hydrocarbon development of Arctic zone potential»; Sutormin Sergey Evgenievich (Deputy Head of the Office of Federal State-Funded Institution “State Reserves Committee”) presented a report on «Issues of the engineering of the field development and the justification of recoverable oil reserves at the current stage»; Sokolov Alexander Vladimirovich, Director of Geological Exploration Company «PETROGEKO» delivered a paper on «Ways of raising investment attractiveness for oil exploration works at KhMAO-Yugra»; Ayupov Roman Shamilyevich, Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution «Siberian Federal University» delivered a paper on the topic of «Prospects of modernization of some branches of energy of Krasnoyarsk Territory is transition to the innovative development path». Gutman Igor Solomonovich (General Director of «Institute of Engineering and Scientific Investigation») delivered a report on «Correlation of well cross sections in the complex oil and gas reservoirs of West Siberia and geological interpretation of its results». Deduchenko Felix Mikhailovich, Head of the Research and Technological Centre «Protection against Technological Accidents and Disasters of Nature-Man-Made Objects of Russia» of Federal State Budgery Organization «Oil and Gas Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematics, presented a paper on the topic of «Technological, ecological and organizational issues of fulfillment of nature-man-made safety of Russian oil and gas industry» in online mode.

The organizing committee of the Conference thanks all the participants who attended the event personally and online. In a time of pandemic, it is very important not to lose the very friendly relations we have with the regular participants, not to lose interest in science and development, to continue to share knowledge and experience, to work together for the benefit of our country and to develop world science. We are waiting for you at our next conferences; we hope that we will be able to welcome all our participants in a face-to-face format.

On numerous requests, we extend the deadline for reading the Poster Section until December, 30, 2021. Access to the webcast videos of the Conference continue to be active and you can watch the Conference Section video in the recording (watch the news from November, 24, 25, 26, 2021). The book of reports in electronic form is forthcoming in January 2022.

November, 26, 2021. Access to the webcast videos of the Conference third day “Ways of Realization of Oil and Gas Potential of West Siberia”.

9.00AM-10.40AM. Section 1“Geological Structure, Oil and Gas Potential, Prospects of Resource Base Development”:;

10.00AM-1.20PM. Section 2 “Laboratory Studies of Core and Fluid, Hydrocarbon System Modelling”:;

11.00AM-6.55PM. Round Table “Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods: New Opportunities”:

November, 25, 2021. Access to the webcast videos of the Conference second day “Ways of Realization of Oil and Gas Potential of West Siberia”.

9.00AM-6.20PM. Section 1“Geological Structure, Oil and Gas Potential, Prospects of Resource Base Development”:;

9.00AM-5.40PM. Section 2 “Laboratory Studies of Core and Fluid, Hydrocarbon System Modelling”:;

> 9.00AM-4.40PM. Section 3“Issues of Oil Field Development and Exploitation”:;

9.00AM-6.00PM. Post Section:

November, 24, 2021. XХV Anniversary Conference “Ways of Realization of Oil and Gas Potential of West Siberia” started.

8.30AM-1.35PM. Panel Scientific Session:;

2.30PM-4.10PM. Central Panel Discussion “Technological Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation” in Questions & Answers format:;

4.40PM-6.40PM. Workshop “Legal Analysis of Main Changes in Subsoil Legislation Coming into Force from January 2022” with representatives of Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District (Uralnedra), Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra):;

4.40PM-6.50PM. Round Table “Digital Core. Practical application in exploring complex structure reservoirs”:

25 НПК
25 НПК
25 НПК
25 НПК
25 НПК

From November 10 till November 11, 2021. VI Annual Conference “State and Use of the Resource Base of Raw Hydrocarbon of West Siberia” took place in Tyumen city, at Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (ZapSibNIIGG). The theme of the Conference is “Geological Challenges of the Future”.

Director of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra S.A. Filatov, Temporarily in Charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” P.A. Stulov, Deputy Director for Science E.A. Vtorushina, Deputy Director L.M. Zakharova took part in the event.

Participants of the Conference actively discussed the prospects of using and developing the resource base of raw hydrocarbons of the West Siberian oil and gas province.

Deputy Director Larisa Mikhailovna Zakharova delivered a report on “Characteristics of the geological industry state and target indicator developing for the social and economic development strategy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in the long run”. The report was based on the recent work of the staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, which has become a significant part of the Okrug development strategy until 2050.

The issue of CO2 capture and storage was also touched on at the Conference. Nowadays this issue is one of the most discussed in the World.

October, 08, 2021. An auction for the right of subsoil use of Snegirinny subsoil plot was held in Khanty-Mansiysk city.

pplications were submitted by “RussNeft” Company and “Tomskaya Neft” Company and they were accepted for participating in the auction for the right to use Snegirinny subsoil plot.

The right to use the subsoil plot was sold at the first price increment of the auction. “RussNeft” Company paid 30,433,103 rubles and was recognized as the winner of the auction for Snegirinny subsoil plot right for prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons (the final price was 1.1 times more than the initial price).

At an earlier time Kondinskiy 2, Kondinskiy 3, Kondinskiy 4, Kondinskiy 5, Vostochno - Varyngskiy, Kalinovy, Kotyg’’eganskiy, Salymskiy 6, Khanty-Mansiyskiy were removed from the auction.

View the full information on action results...

September, 7, 2021. A new geological map “Structural Framework of the Western Siberian Oil and Gas Province” was published at the Geoportal YUGRA, which displays a structural-stratigraphic model of the region.

It is the result of calculations of the GST (GeoSpline Technology) software complex developed at the Centre and it is a set of consistent structural maps linked to stratigraphy and seismic interpretation databases.

The structural maps characterize the structure of the pre-Jurassic, Lower, Middle and Upper Jurassic oil and gas reservoirs, the Cenomanian and Neocomian part of the geological cross section.

“Framework” base is structural maps for 4 key horizons - A, B, M, G. Each of them consists of two layers: a color fill with the addition of a light-and-shade image and an isoline layer, which appears when you zoom in. The layers of intermediate formations and benches of the Lower and Middle Jurassic oil and gas reservoirs include both color filling and contours of isolines. The names of suites, formations and benches in the context menu correspond to the most common names at the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Regional seismic profiles, key-parametric and prospecting and exploration wells are added to the map. To link to the location, the map is supplemented with groups of geographical information and licensing layers.

You can use the tool  to obtain the absolute elevation of any structural surface at any point (up to 1 meter), and visually match the shape and values of the user added layer and the key horizon isolines.

August, 30, 2021. Three new “Yugra Stars” were opened on the Memorial of the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas before Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

The first Star is in Vladimir Ilyich Shpilman honor (15.04.1941 - 11.01.2001). He is a hereditary geologist, a scientist of international fame. He is the Honorary Professor at the Chinese Petroleum University, his research works are widely known in Russia and abroad. The Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug N.V. Komarova handed over a confirming Сertificate to his son, Director of “SibGeoProject” LLC Andrey Vladimirovich Shpilman.

The next Star was given to the discoverer of the Yugra oil fields, the Honorary prospector of the subsoil Solovyev Vladimir Sergeyevich. The Certificate was received by his friend, Honored Worker of Culture Korevitskiy Vladimir Zdzislavovich. Solovyev's Star was presented in Tyumen, at the hall of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” in video conference mode.

The staff of one of the largest oil and gas company “LUKOIL” PJSC was also awarded the Star, this year celebrating its 30th anniversary. The General Director of “LUKOIL-Western Siberia” JSC Zubarev Vladislav Petrovich received the Certificate from the Governor's hands.

photo from the site

August, 03, 2021. The company “RN-Yuganskneftegaz” reported on the oil production of 500 million tons at the Priobskoye field.

The field was discovered in 1982, its development began in 1988. The geological reserves of this unique oil field are estimated at 5 billion tons. Currently, more than 5 thousand wells of the company provide production at the Priobskoye field (Detailed information...).

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” congratulates “RN-Yuganskneftegaz” LLC on the production of a jubilee oil ton and wishes the working group further success in developing the subsoil of West Siberia, good health and confidence in the future!

July, 31, 2021. Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” obtained a license to carry out work related to the use of information considered a state secret.

July, 30, 2021. Book of reports of XXIV Scientific and Practical Conference “Ways of realization of oil and gas potential of West Siberia” is posted on the official site of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” in electronic form.

Read the section “Publications”…

July, 27, 2021 Selivanova Darya Alexandrovna, Senior Research Associate of Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, became a finalist in the international competition «Write your question for the Geographical Dictation».

The question of Darya Alexandrovna was qualified by experts of the Russian Geographical Society and will be used in the Geographical Dictation or in topic-based quiz games, indicating authorship. According to the finalist, the question concerns the epoch of transformational changes of Peter the Great. When answering, it is not necessary to know about the event, but it is important to ratiocinate.

Reference: Geographical dictation is a widespread international outreach educational event organized by the Russian Geographical Society in order to increase interest in the geography of Russia. 109 countries took part in the dictation in the last year.

May, 27, 2021. Evgeniy Ignatyevich Petrov, Deputy Head of Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and Dmitriy Borisovich Arakcheev, General Director of Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Federal Geological Fund” arrived in Khanty-Mansiysk on a visit.

The purpose of the visit was a meeting with representatives of the Authorities and the Management of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” on the possibility of using the regional data center for storing geological information and a meeting on the subject of “Monitoring the subsoil use of widespread mineral deposits. Implementation of the Agreement between Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra on cooperation on the development and updating of the subsoil use system”.

Sergey Alexandrovich Filatov, Director of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Aleksey Mikhaylovich Bulatov, Head of the Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District, Galina Georgievna Kornienko, Director of Khanty-Mansiysk branch office of Federal State-Funded Institution “Territorial Geological Found” also attended the meeting.

Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” was represented by temporarily in charge of the Director Petr Alexandrovich Stulov, Deputy Director Larisa Mikhailovna Zakharova, and Head of Laboratory for Core Collection, Storage and Examination Dmitriy Evgenyevich Dobrovolskiy. The visit program included a visit to the Reginal Core Storage Facility.

In summary, the event was useful. The visitors noted the high level of technical equipment of the Core Research Centre.

From May 19 till May 20, 2021. XX Anniversary Conference of Young Professionals Working in Organizations Carrying out Activities Related to the Use of the Subsoil Plots on the Territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra took place.

This year the event was held under the auspices of the Year of Science and Technology in Russia and the Year of Knowledge in Yugra, and was timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of Farman Salmanov birth, honored Soviet and Russian geologist, oil discoverer in Siberia.

The Conference met an active, young scientific community of oil and gas producers, universities and research organizations traditionally. It was the first time that a hybrid format of the event was held - online and offline. The event was enabling to reach a larger audience.

The Conference is held for the purpose of development of innovative and creative potential of youth, increase in creative activity of young specialists in the sphere of oil-gas industry. But the results of the research works and the level of reports indicate not only the potential of a new generation of geologists and oil workers, but also the development of science by young scientists.

The plenary reports were presented by:
Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova, Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra,
Pavel Nikolaevich Zavalny, Deputy for the Federal Assembly in the 7th State Duma of the Russian Federation, Head of Committee on Energy, President of the Russian Gas Society,
Aleksey Emilyevich Kontorovich, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, the Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Evgeniy Ignatyevich Petrov, Deputy Head of Federal Agency for Subsoil Use,
Oleg Valeryevich Zhdaneev, Head of Competence Centre of Technological Development for Fuel and Energy Complex of Federal State Budgery Organization Russian Energy Agency of the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation,
Elena Viktorovna Nikolaeva, Deputy Director on Science of Surgetskiy Research, Development and Design Institute (SurgutNIPIneft), Surgutneftegas PJSC,
Alexandr Sedrakovich Amiragyan, Discipline Head of Sector Economics of Fuel and Energy Complex, “Centre of Strategical Developments” Fund,
Elmir Rovshanovich Khudiev, Head of Business Case Building up for Tertiary Oil Recovery Methods of Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC, Gazprom neft PJSC.
Viktor Viktorovich Balyasny, Deputy Chief Engineer, Chief Power Engineer of RN-Nyaganneftegaz JSC,
Semen Sergeevich Kudrya, Deputy Head of the Integrated Service for Field Development Management of Samotlorneftegaz JSC,
Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Mishchenko, Moderator of the Plenary Session, Head of the Center for Analysis of Strategy and Technologies for the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex of National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”.
The following Anniversary Conference sessions were held:

Session 1. Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields.
Session 2. Geophysical prospecting for hydrocarbons, field and geophysical methods for development of raw hydrocarbons fields.
Session 3. Development of raw hydrocarbons fields.
Session 4. Well performance technology, well intervention.
Session 5. Oil and gas production, treatment and transportation.
Session 6. Well drilling. Capital workover operations and wireline operations, oil field service.
Session 7. Engineering and oil and gas field infrastructure development. Oil field equipment.
Session 8. Information technology, automation, metrology and communication industry.
Session 9. Industrial energy production and energy efficiency.
Session 10. Economics, finance, management and production engineering.
Session 11. Environment. Industrial safety.
Session 12. Rational use of associated gas. Technology and equipment of oil and gas processing and petrochemical industry.

The following young professionals were representatives of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”: Elena Sergeevna Kuzmina with a report on “Special characteristics of the mineral composition of oil source rocks of the Bazhenov horizon with various stages of organic matter catagenesis”,
Elena Alexandrovna Stepanova with the report on “Special characteristics of the structure and oil and gas content of the Achimov strata on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra”,
Evgeniy Vladimirovich Savenkov with a report on “The method of reflected electromagnetic waves as a modern alternative to seismic exploration for oil and gas”,
Evgeniy Evgenyevich Vatamanyuk and Vitaliy Sergeevich Butin with the report on “Analysis of bringing wells into production using horizontal tailing-in technology at enterprises and fields of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra in 2011-2020”.

The reports were on the par with the overall level of the event.

According to the jury member Rimma Viktorovna Khalturina, “Half of the participants might be ranked at the first position; the report level was so high”. Participants noted a good level of the event organization and a convenient hybrid format”.

April, 16, 2021. Group of layers on “Subsoil licensing map of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra territory” as of 01.04.2021 and “Map of oil and gas fields” have been updated on Geoportal YUGRA.

On April 15, 2021 Vladimir Ilich Shpilman, an outstanding scientist, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, creator and first Director of Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil, turned 80.

He was a hereditary geologist, a scientist of international fame, he promoted the achievements of Soviet geological science passionately and highly professionally. He participated in many congresses and symposia. He was invited by geological services of the USA, China, Switzerland to give lectures and speak at scientific seminars and discussions in Washington, Geneva, Beijing and Shanghai. Shpilman's papers are widely known in Russia and abroad. Vladimir Ilich was a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honorary Professor at the Chinese Petroleum University; he is an author of more than 190 articles and 11 monographs.

V.I. Shpilman did a great deal to develop mathematical methods of assessment based on the genetic theory of the organic oil origin. The tectonic map of the central regions of Western Siberia and the quantitave forecast of oil and gas potential became his key papers, marking a new milestone in the geology history.

The Centre’s staff remembers of Vladimir Ilich with special warmth, as a person who is responsive and kind, but forward-looking and strict at the same time. He appreciated in people the decency and determination, patriotism and craving for new knowledge. He believed that science cannot be done on a schedule. He could work at night and, having slept only a few hours, again run to work. Many of us remember how the Centre's team was formed, how the right people came, sometimes led by some "highest force", entire teams came who wanted to create a significant system of rational subsoil use for the country.

Salaries were low for everyone at the very beginning, the Director's salary was a little more than the salary of a researcher, but, despite this, the very strong team was gathered and they worked effectively. The Centre still holds the first foundation charter and the scheme of interaction of the Centre with government organizations, large companies, institutes and scientific centres manually drawn by Vladimir Ilich. What Vladimir Ilich did in the first half of the 90s in the field of subsoil use in the transition to market relations is one of the largest achievements that formed the basis of the modern subsoil use system.

A few years after its development, the Centre became a reference organization in the resource management system, creating a powerful complex of databases, analytics and forecasting.

One of the key pillars on which the Centre held, Vladimir Ilich considered training accessible to all staff both in Russia and abroad. Having adopted the Canadian colleagues experience, at that time the unique Core Storage Facility was built in the Yugra, as an idea of Shpilman, embodied in life, reaped the rewards. Until now, the Core storage Facility is a "power place" for scientists, geologists, students of specialized universities. The staff receives several delegations of prominent politicians, scientists and friends of the V.I. Shpilman Centre of the highest rank every year.

There are people whose names need to be left in the memory of descendants. The name of Vladimir Ilich Shpilman should be transferred through the ages, as an example of the Geologist, the Scientist, the Man. He is the honorary citizen of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was named after him in 2001, a new oil field discovered in the Oktyabrskiy district of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug was named after him in 2006.

And though Shpilman worked not for titles and awards, but still... V.I. Shpilman was awarded the USSR State Prize in the field of science and technology for the discovery and accelerated preparation for the industrial development of the Yamburg gas condensate field, among others. He was awarded the gold medal of Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR, the silver medal of Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR, and he was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize. He was awarded medals "For Labor Distinction," "For the Development of the Subsoil and Oil Complex of Western Siberia," the badge "Outstanding prospector", the jubilee sign "300 Years of the Mining and Geological Service of Russia».

Vladimir Ilich died on January 11, 2001. He was buried in Tyumen. We love and remember...

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”

From March 24 till March 25, 2021. The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” took part in the Fourth International Youth Scientific and Practical Forum “Oil Capital”.

“Oil Capital” is a platform for obtaining best innovative practice, self-realization and career growth.

The participants visited the central event of the forum “SMART-Oil”. The subject of the discussion of leading experts and speakers was new technological challenges, risks of the oil and gas industry and its prospects.

The speaker of the round table “Artificial Intelligence in the Oil and Gas Industry” Stulov Petr Alexandrovich together with Ayupov Roman Shamilyevich, Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution «Siberian Federal University», discussed with the participants the report “Laboratory Research Data in the Digital Core Model”.

The engineer of Industrial Infrastructure and Environment Department Alexandra Malyshkina presented «Project for СО2 flooding into an exploration well in order to reduce the carbon footprint during oil production» at the competition of innovative projects at the section «Ecology. Green Technologies». The competition experts noted the excellent training of the engineer and the potential possibility of putting the project into practice.

Lyudmila Kazantseva included in the commission on the section “Ecology. Green Technologies” highly appreciated the organization of the event and the interest of participants in the competition of innovative projects.

The participants of the round table “Oil and Gas Complex in the Light of Carbon Neutrality” became interested in the report of Irina Bylokrylova «Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra’s forests are in terms of carbon agreements».

Experts and speakers of the event discussed the directions of Russian climate policy and special characteristics of the Autonomous Okrug, carbon regulation mechanisms and control of greenhouse gas emissions.

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” thanked the organizers and partners of the Forum for so outstanding and significant event.

March, 04, 2021. Regular map updating has taken place on Geoportal YUGRA. Layers such as «Flood plain of the Ob and the Irtysh», «Generally accessible hunting areas», «Assigned hunting areas» were updated on “Map of natural resources using” (according to the Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra data as of 01.01.2021).

February, 19. 2021. Regular map updating has taken place on Geoportal YUGRA. Updated layers of “Projected specially protected natural territories”, “Specially protected natural territories”, “Map of subsoil plots of widespread mineral deposits production” (as of 20.01.2021) have been posted.

February 19, 2021. A meeting of the supervisory board was held in Khanty-Mansiysk city.

Tatyana Alekseevna Zamyatina, Deputy Director of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Stanislav Grigoryevich Kuzmenkov, Professor of Institute of Petroleum and Gas of Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Yugra State University”, Sergey Nikolaevich Alenichev, Deputy Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, Larisa Alexandrovna Lazar, Chief Accountant of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, Olga Vyacheslavovna Sapegina, Legal Adviser of the First Rank, Olga Pavlovna Kokhanko, Economist of the First Rank, Petr Alexandrovich Stulov, temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, Evgeniy Alexandrovich Vtorushin, Head of Laboratory for Preparation of Geologic-Geophysical Information and Archive Management – Fund of Geological and Other Information on the Subsoil attended this meeting.

The following issues were discussed on the agenda:

1. Approval of the report on the activities of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” for 2020 (speaker Stulov P.A., temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”).

2. Approval of the annual financial statements for 2020 (speaker Lazar L.A., Chief Accountant of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”).

3. Approval of adjustments to the plan of financial and economic activities for 2021 and the planning period 2022-2023 (speaker Kokhanko O.P., the Acting Head of the Planning and Economic Department of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”).

4. Approval of the size of major transaction for 2021 (speaker Lazar L.A., Chief Accountant of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”).

5. Changes to the charter of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

When the meeting was complete, Stulov P.A., temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, noted that the meeting was constructive and thanked the staff for their good work.

From February 8 till February 10, 2021. Representatives of Production Infrastructure and Environment Department from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” took part in a number of important meetings and working meetings on the issues of region’s environmental protection.

The first working meeting under the leadership of Sergey Alexandrovich Filatov, Director of Subsurface Resources Management Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, with participation of representatives of Yugorsky Research Institute of Information Technologies and Deputies Director of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra was scheduled to interact Regional Information System of Yugra with Geoportal-YUGRA developed at Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

The result of the videoconference "Interaction on Greenhouse Gases Reduction," organized by Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra’s Deputy Governor A.G. Zabozlaev, with the participation of representatives of Subsurface Resources Management Department, Yugra State University, Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Fauna Objects and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra was the determination of work directions on the issue of greenhouse gases emissions and occlusion regulation.

The next working meeting on project of practice ground for hydrocarbons spills field study building under the leadership of S.V. Pikunov, Director of Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Fauna Objects and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, resulted in organization of functions: LLC “Gazpromneft-Khantos” will build the oil practice ground, Yugra State University will take samples for oil spills study, Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” will be responsible for chemical testing.

A lecture "Ecologist of a wide profile" was given at Yugra State University, a round table was held on the issue of greenhouse gases occlusion by region forests and swamps. Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” expressed readiness to provide further educational and methodological assistance to the university.

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” S.A. Aleshin and I.V. Zavyalova received Letters of Thanks from the Head of Yugra State University for their active participation in the organization of events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Russian Science.

February, 04, 2021. A lecture on the subject of “How oil field is organized” was presented at Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”. The speaker was Dyatlova Tatyana Izyanovna, Senior Research Associate of Laboratory for Integrated Databases on Production Infrastructure. It is the way for the staff of Production Infrastructure and Environment Department to support the project «Competence Centre» implemented on the base of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”. The staff of the Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” had the opportunity to improve their skills and ask questions about the condition of the production infrastructure of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. The lecture was held in a light-hearted manner of the workroom.

Participants of the event noted the need to hold such lectures in various areas. The issue of such events is improving literacy of non-core specialists in the subsoil use, experience and news exchange, sharing of latest data between specialists of the field.

The staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” plans to develop a program of seminars on subsoil use in the areas of environment and infrastructure, geology, licensing, economics and development of oil and oil and gas fields. The course program will be announced additionally, follow our news.

Дятлова Татьяна Изяновна

January, 27, 2021. The meeting between the directorship and the staff of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” and representatives from Yugra State University. The Rector Karminskaya Tatyana Dmitrievna, Vice Rector for Research Islamutdinov Vadim Faruarovich, the Head of Higher Oil School of Institute of Petroleum and Gas Mayer Andrey Vladimirovich, acting the Director of Shared Knowledge Centre Zolotov Mikhail Pavlovich, Associate Professor of Institute of Petroleum and Gas, the Head of Educational Program in Chemistry Kotvanova Margarita Kondratyevna, Research Associate of Institute of Petroleum and Gas Cheban Stanislav Evgenyevich were representatives of the Yugra State University delegation.

Temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” Petr Alexandrovich Stulov, Deputy Director Alenichev Sergey Nikolaevich, Deputy Director on Science Vtorushina Ella Alexandrovna, heads of laboratories and research associates of Department for Collection, Storage and Study of Core received the delegation.

The program of the meeting included an excursion to the Core Storage Facility and the laboratory facilities, getting to know the equipment and the Centre’s main trends of investigations in research, discussion of research cooperation on core study, fluids and environmental monitoring, as well as the possibility of integrating educational programs of Yugra State University to the Centre’s activities.

The issue of Yugra State University students professional training on the base of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” with the possibility of further employment was discussed.

January, 19, 2021. Successful defense of the scientific report “Research, analytical and information providing of the state authorities of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra in the area of subsoil use” of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” fulfilled on the basis of 2020 region budget resources took place in Khanty-Mansiysk city in accordance with Geological Statement.

Representatives of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” S.A. Aleshin, S.N. Alenichev, A.V. Orenburkin, and some others took part in the work of the Scientific and Technological Council.

The report was presented by L.M. Zakharova, the Deputy Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”

S.A. Filatov, Director of Subsurface Resources Management Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, M.V. Novikov, the Deputy Director – Head of Division for Fuel and Energy Complex Development, V.V. Korkunov, the Deputy Director, and some others took part in the work of the Scientific and Technological Council.

According to the results of the consideration the Scientific and Technological Council reached a decision to adopt the report unconditionally.

December, 14, 2020. Regular map updating has taken place on Geoportal YUGRA. Updated layers of “Map of oil and gas fields”, (as of 01.12.2020) have been posted.

December, 11, 2020. The Technological Council on examination of prospecting and appraisal (horizontal) well 5 Salymskiy 3 licensed subsoil plot results for core and sludge studies and hydrocarbons samples analysis was held at Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

The main trends of well core studies were presented:
- specialized studies,
- lithological, petrographic studies,
- study of material and chemical composition of core,
- study of porosity and permeability properties of core,
- geochemical examination of rocks.

Temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” Petr Alexandrovich Stulov thanks the staff for the efforts. The presentation was successful. The other 3 wells will be examined holistically for LLC “Gazpromneft-Technological Partnership”.

November, 27, 2020. Successful defense of the report on monitoring of one water-resource region in terms of studying the bottom, banks, condition and regime of using water protection zones and changes in the morphometric features of water bodies or their parts within the Irtysh River in the area of road bridge Khanty-Mansiysk - Nyagan took place ( - Irtysh from the confluence of the Tobol River to the Khanty-Mansiysk city (upstream flow), without the Konda River).

The work was carried out within the framework of the state contract concluded between Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra «V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil» and Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

The staff of Production Infrastructure and Environment Department took part in the defense; the report was presented by Aleshin Sergey Aleksandrovich, the Head of the Department.

It should be emphasized that this is the first experience of water bodies monitoring in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. The Centre specialists are sure that this work is important and up-to-date for the region territory with a well-developed hydrographic pattern, where water sources are involved actively and massively in water supply, biological resources extraction, mineral and widespread minerals resources production, housing and utilities sector as well as industrial use.

Семинар Правовое регулирование

November, 26, 2020. XXIV Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Ways of the Western Siberia’s oil and gas potential realization" took place. It was the first time that the event took place in the online mode.

Traditionally, conference’s organizers were Government of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra and Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

The conference program included issues:
- Practical seminar “Legal Regulations of Subsoil Licensing”;
- Disputing panel “Oil Industry Development in Today’s Conditions”;
- Official opening of educational project “EnerGenius - 2021”;
- Section 1. Geological structure, oil-and-gas content, prospects for development of resource potential;
- Section 2. Laboratory studies of core and fluid, hydrocarbon systems modeling.
- Round table “Issues of oil fields development and exploitation.”
The conference recording is accessible to watch.

Wide variety of geological, economic, legal, environmental, informational and organizational issues of subsoil using and oil industry was covered by participants of the conference.

Representatives from Executive Authorities of the Autonomous Okrug, oil companies, geological-exploration and service companies, scientific-research institutes, leading researchers and specialists participated in the conference. Over 50 reports were heard at the conference.

Plenary sessions of the previous conferences were always of great interest. A worthy alternative to a plenary session was the disputing panel “Oil Industry Development in Today’s Conditions” in this year.

The issues of the disputing panel were:

- Trends and development strategy of Yugra’s oil industry, international practices.
- Planning problems and issues of oil and gas reserves development.
- Prospects of enhanced oil recovery using and joint projects.

Shpurov Igor Viktorovich General Director of Federal State-Funded Institution “State Reserves Committee” acted as a moderator.

The speakers are Kasparov Orest Setrakovich (Deputy Director of Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra), Melnikov Pavel Nikolaevich (General Director Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute” (VNIGNI)», Morozov Vasiliy Yuryevich (General Director of West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics (ZapSibNIIGG), Strizhnev Kirill Vladimirovich (General Director of LLC “Gazpromneft-Technological Partnership”), Alexander Vladimirovich Shpilman (Director of LLC «Shpilman Brothers»), Thierry Le Maux (Beicip Franlab).

The geography of the conference participants has significantly expanded and has already gone beyond the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, almost completely covering the oil and gas producing regions of the Western Siberia.

Anyway, the main issues were related to a decrease in funding for state programs in connection with the pandemic and a decrease in oil prices.

All participants are understanding of the current situation, and make their proposals for the development of the resource potential and enhanced oil recovery.

At the conference, it was said that new methods in former time, such as multi-stage fracturing, or sidetracking and lateral drilling became the basic methods of oil field development, perhaps physical and chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery will soon become the base too taking into account that it becomes more difficult to extract oil.

Rational proposals, starting with economic and legal measures, and ending with oil fields development, when successfully implemented, will not only help to "stay afloat" in our difficult time, but will also contribute to the development of the resources industry and applied science.

An additional event within the framework of the conference was the official opening of the educational project "EnerGenius - 2021.

The Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra supported talented youth and approved a project that contributes to improving the professional level of young specialists.

The participants of the event expressed hope for a meeting in Khanty-Mansiysk city next year, but noted the advantage of the online format - communication with the best speakers around the world became available.

The participants emphasized a high level of the reports and expressed hope for further cooperation and interest in the exchange of professional experience.

Оренбуркин Антон Владимирович
Дискуссионная панель
1 секция
2 секция
2 секция
Тур Фьйеран президент Мирового нефтяного совета

November, 06, 2020. Petr Stulov, temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, visited Kazan Federal University.

Petr Alexandrovich met with Pro-rector of Research of Kazan Federal University, Director of Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies Danis Nurgaliev and Deputy Director of Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies for Marketing, Director of Centre for Adult Education, Quality Management and Marketing Ildus Chukmarov.

Petr Alexandrovich examined modern laboratories of Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry and Research and Education Centre «Modeling of Hard-to-recover Reserves», met with University researchers and gave an up-close look at unique instruments and methods developed in Kazan Federal University./p>

World Class Scientific Centre «Rational development of hydrocarbon liquids reserves of the Planet» is currently organizing on the base of Kazan Federal University with priorities of research activities, enhanced oil recovery technologies and methods creation, inexpensive and environment oriented oil providing to the Russia.

The Heads exchanged experiences in joint projects and plans for the future, discussed potential cooperation.

П.А.Стулов в КФУ
Казанский госуниверситет

October, 2020. The annual report «Subsoil Use at Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra in 2019» has been published.

download the electronic version

October, 29, 2020. Petr Stulov, temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”, told in detail Agency of Oil and Gas Information about establishment of the Centre of Competencies for Russian Federation Oil and Gas Industry in an interview.

Read the interview…

October, 29, 2020. The Internet version of the XXIII Regional, Scientific and Practical Conference "Ways of the Western Siberia’s oil and gas potential realization" proceedings which took place in November, 2019, in Khanty-Mansiysk city was added to the official web site of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

Read the section “Publications”…

October, 21, 2020. The order of Ministry of Education of Science went forth about Candidate of Sciences Diplomas. Oksenoyd Elena Efimovna and Oleynik Elena Vladimirovna from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” received their academic degrees in geological and mineralogical sciences. Congratulations from the Centre to the colleagues, wish them success in the work and new scientific triumph!

September, 30, 2020. Show presenters of TV-channel “Yugra” congratulated Petr Stulov on the Centre’s foundation day, talk to him about Oil and Gas Forum participation, environment issues, prospects for the Centre’s and oil industry considered all development in TV-show “From 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.”

С 7 до 10

September, 28, 2020. A solemn award ceremony of the Centre’s staff for longstanding work, progress in work and important contribution to the exploration sector development took place in the event hall of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

Blinova Oksana Yuryevna, Kiselev Oleg Valentinovich, Larina Marina Valentinovna, Pakhomova Elena Alexandrovna, Prytkikh Alexandra Arkadyevna and Mustaeva Larisa Vasilyevna were awarded by Gratitude Letter of the Tyumen City Duma Deputy.

Zakharova Larisa Mikhaylovna, Oleynik Elena Vladimirovna and Yarova Gulsina Timerbaevna were honored with Gratitude Letter of the Tyumen City Duma.

The Centre’s staff was conferred with the rank of Centre’s long-service employee traditionally, on September, 28, timed to coincide with the Centre’s birthday. This year, Toropova Marina Aleхandrovna, Yuzhakova Yana Yuryevna and Semushkina Svetlana Alekseevna from Khanty-Mansiysk city got badges, membership cards and memorable gifts.

September, 21, 2020. Eight thousand cedars were planted in the Khanty-Mansiyskiy administrative region. That is the way to join with Russian-wide promotion “Reserve forest”.

Petr Stulov, temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”,  took part in the event.

Watch the item on the channel “Yugra”.

Высадили кедры

September, 04, 2020. Temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” Petr Stulov participated in TV-show “From 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.” at TV-channel “Yugra”. You can watch the interview about core, valuation of crude oil, and decline in the Okrug’s oil production.

Watch the interview

С 7 до 10

September, 03, 2020. The Internet version of the book «Development of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra’s oil and gas fields» was added to the official web site of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

The main development parameters for 255 fields, with a summary of every field as a whole are presented in this book. The included data refers to the system “Monitoring of oil field development” created in Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the SubThe data come to the Centre from 43 subsoil users (as of 01.01.2019) each month. The data are compared, analyzed and stored in the database, which is unique store containing information on parameters of each well at the Okrug.

This book can be considered a reference book on fields; this information can be useful to managers and employees of oil and gas and service companies, analysts, students of oil and gas specialties.

The authoring team will be grateful for the feedback. Send your comments to

Read the section “Publications”…

September, 02, 2020. A special event on the occasion of Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day took place at Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”. The teleconference was initiated between Tyumen and Khanty-Mansiysk cities.

Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova as Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra delivered an opening speech to participants.

A wife of Viktor Vasilyevich Kitaev named Nina Nikolaevna was among the honored guests of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”. The name of Viktor Vasilyevich Kitaev, as a pioneering explorer, participant of exploitation of the Samotlor field, and the name of Ivan Ukhlivanovich Aidullin, as the Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation became immortalized on the Memorial «Yugra’s Stars».

It is difficult for Ivan Ukhlivanovich to speak on camera. It had been said who had known him personally that the oil worker feels better and more homelike on the drill site. Viktor Vasilievich has been no longer with us. His wife Nina Nikolaevna, who had always been with her husband, passed with him all the hardships of the exploration of Western Siberia, has known the «price of Siberian oil». The certificate confirming the opening of «Yugra’s Stars» memorial plate in honor of Viktor Vasilyevich Kitaev is in truth one of the most valuable awards. Nina Nikolaevna desires to visit Khanty-Mansiysk city, where she has spent years of her life, desires to see how the city has been changed over the past 20 years and see the name of her husband on the Memorial «Yugra’s Stars» with her own eyes.

photo from site

August, 25, 2020. А meeting on consideration of offers for the Program of State order’s prospective plots at the expense of  2021 and subsequent years federal budget in order to oil and gas mineral reserves replacement on the territory of the Ural Federal District was held in Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (ZapSibNIIGG).

Temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” P.A. Stulov and Deputy Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” L.M. Zakharova participated in the meeting.

S.A. Filatov, Director of Subsurface Resources Management Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra delivered an opening speech and presented a paper on geological and exploration works at the Okrug to the participants. L.M. Zakharova presented the offers of the Program of 2021-2025 geological and exploration works for new prospective plots and oil and gas mineral reserves replacement of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

It was suggested to include the following items in the Program:

- Reginal seismic prospecting on Karabashskiy field covered 2800 km2.  Karabashskaya  prospecting area was chosen for 2D seismic prospecting first of all. The prospecting area covered 4800 km2 was divided into three plots:  Karabashskiy 1, Karabashskiy 2, Karabashskiy 3. Karabashskiy 1 and Karabashskiy 2 are the part of the list of prospective plots offered in 2020-2022 for prospecting by the order of Federal Agency for Subsoil Use by now.

- Another prospecting plot for seismic prospecting was suggested in the Eastern part of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, on the territory of the Nizhnevartovskiy administrative region – Verkhnevakhskiy. The plot’s area is 3223 km2. The purpose of the work is to study a pre-Jurassic period contour map, a sedimentary mantle with help of seismic reflection interfaces for Cretaceous and Jurassic deposits to define structural and non-anticlinal traps with evaluation of the resources (D0 – prepared and Dl - localized) by interconnecting of seismic and lithochemistry.

- The parametric well 5  Verkhneogurinskaya offered for drilling in the northwest part of the region and the parametric well 32 Verkhnevakhskaya recommended for drilling in the eastern part of the region, on the border with Krasnoyarsk territory, was included in the Program repeatedly in the previous years. The wells were not drilled yet and were suggested to include in the Program.

- Severo-Shugurskaya well 1 was suggested to drill on the territory of the southwest slope of Vostochno-Sheburskiy high, in the Maloshugurskaya structure contour. This well-drilling will clarify the geological model in the area of regional profile 101-2 and allow to obtain new data on the oil and gas content prospects of Jurassic and pre-Jurassic oil-and-gas bearing />
The offered prospective plots were considered positively during the meeting and included in the in 2021-2025 Program.

Л.М. Захарова


July, 01, 2020, Tyumen city. Zakharova Larisa Mikhaylovna has been appointed to the position of the Deputy Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

She started as an engineer and became the Head of Geology Department since 1993.
Larisa Mikhaylovna is highly qualified specialist in field of stratigraphy, paleogeography, paleogeomorphology and forecast of West Siberia’s oil and gas potential.
Over 100 fields were discovered with her direct involvement. She is an author and a co-author of numerous research papers and reports.

Exploration projects, supplementary exploration projects and programs of prospecting and appraisal works are running under leadership of Zakharova Larisa Mikhaylovna.
She is currently responsible for Tyumen office.

Congratulations from the collective of Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra "V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of Subsoil" to Larisa Mikhaylovna with the position, we wish success in work and pursuing the most ambitious goals!

June, 06, 2020. Regular map updating took place on Geoportal YUGRA: a layer on the map “Subsoil plots of widespread mineral deposits production” was updated as of 20.05.2020.

June, 01, 2020. Vtorushina Ella Aleхandrovna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, started work as the Deputy Director on Science of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

Ella Aleхandrovna has been working at Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” since 2015.

So far, she was the Head of the Laboratory for Geochemical Examination of Core. She is an author of numerous scientific works included in English.

She is now involved in developing of Core Research Center, in charge of the laboratories, provides the interaction between Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” and other scientific organizations.

Congratulations from the collective of Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra "V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of Subsoil" to Ella Aleхandrovna on the position and wish her success in her work!

May, 29, 2020. Employees of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” transferred a portion of 12 billionth ton of oil produced at the Yugra in Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas of the Okrug in Khanty-Mansiysk city.

The item was shown on the channel “Yugra”.

May, 28, 2020. Group of layers of “Subsoil licensing map of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra territory” (as of 01.03.2020), «Exploration works map of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra in 2020», «Underground structure contour map of the Bazhenov formation’s bottom», «Exploration drilling» (as of 01.05.2020) were updated on Geoportal YUGRA.

May, 20, 2020. The Gratitude Letter to Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” for Laboratory of Systematization and Processing of Geophysical Materials led by   Kaygorodov Evgeniy Petrovich came from LLC “NOVATEK Research and Development Centre” with appreciation of effective cooperation and hope for long-term cooperation and widening of the partnership.

May, 20, 2020. Temporarily in charge of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” P.A. Stulov contributed to the video conference of Agency of Oil and Gas Information to mark the production of 12 billionth ton of oil.

Petr Alexandrovich told about oil companies part and contribution to regional oil production, he congratulated all oil workers on the remarkable event and also clarified why employees of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” collected petrol tins filled with oil at the Core Storage Facility.

Detailed information...


May, 20, 2020. 12 billionth ton of oil produced at the Yugra.

A solemn ceremony of memorable barrel filling with oil has produced on the Khanty-Mansiysk’s fields was held in Khanty-Mansiysk city, at the Core Storage Facility of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”. Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova, Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, leading experts and oil and gas industry workers affixed their signatures on this barrel within the framework of the   Third Forum “Oil Capital” held in February, in Nizhnevartovsk city.

Commercial oil production started from 1964 at the Okrug. The first billion ton of the Yugra’s oil was produced in 1978. Each next billion was produced once in about three years but in condition of production decline – once in four years. It took six years (the longest period, from 1994 to 2000) to produce the next billion. 11 billionth ton of oil was produced in 2016.

Oil was produced by 43 companies in the Okrug. 80.2 % regional oil production is a part of Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz and LUKOIL (as of 2019).

The greatest extent of production (34.55 million ton) came from Priobskoye field. Geological reserves of the field are 5 billion ton, estimated and recoverable reserves are 2.4 billion ton. Samotlorskoye field is second. Recovered oil of the field is 18.4 million ton. Prirazlomnoe field is on the third place (9.728 million ton). Rounding up the top-4 Fedorovskoye field with oil production 9.514 million ton in the preceding year.

A part of the region in Russian oil production is 42 %.

650 thousand ton of oil is produced every 24 hours in the Yugra.

According to experts subsoil resources of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra contain of 60 % Russian remaining recoverable reserves.

П.А. Стулов

Вклад компаний в добычу ХМАО

А.В. Шпильман

May, 18, 2020. Video conference «Slate oil. Special characteristics of geological structure, oil and gas content and methods for development (the case of the Western Siberian Bazhenov formation)» was held.

СThe speaker of the event was Alexander Shpilman, expert of oil and gas industry, Director of LLC «Shpilman Brothers», Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Honored Geologist of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra”, Honored Oil Worker of the Tyumen region, Honored Prospector.

Video conference is accessible by clicking on a link...

April, 13, 2020. The Gratitude Letter to Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova, the Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, came from Director of Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (ZapSibNIIGG) V.Yu. Morozov in gratitude for taking part of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” and A.V. Shpilman personally in major thematic works on the West Siberian oil and gas province. V.Yu. Morozov appreciated high scientific level of the work and expressed the hope for further cooperation.

April, 2020. In celebration of Geologist day. Darya Selivanova is writing about what a genuine geologist must be through Galina Petrovna Mysnikova example who was geologist, professor, Doctor of Science, teacher with a God-given talent.


March, 12, 2020. Experts from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” believe that it is expects to produce 12 billionth ton of oil on or about May, 20.

Yugra oil counter started on the web-site

March, 10, 2020. Alexander Vladimirovich Shpilman was removed from the post of the Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” according to the Order of the Government of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra dated 15.02.2020 № 80-pr.

First Deputy Director of the Centre Petr Alexandrovich Stulov appointed temporarily in charge of the Director.

February, 28, 2020. Group of layers of “Subsoil licensing map of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra territory” as of 01.02.2020, “Map of production infrastructure” as of 01.01.2019, “Map of oil and gas fields” were updated on Geoportal YUGRA.

February, 26, 2020. Oil company «Kondaneft» produced 5 millionth ton of oil on the Erginskiy cluster. Carrying out of efficient well interventions, application of modern methods for hard-to-recover oil reserves development contributed to achieving such result.

First Deputy Director Petr Alexandrovich Stulov told journalists, the management and the staff of JSC “Kondaneft” about prospects for Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra’s oil and gas potential realization.

For reference: Erginskiy licensed subsoil plot (part of Priobskoye field), Kondinskoe field, Zapadno-Erginskoe field, Chaprovskoe field, Endyrskoe field, Irtyshskoe field (discovered in 2018) are the parts of the Erginskiy cluster, located on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra and the Tyumen region.

The cluster was formed as a result of integrated Erginskiy licensed subsoil plot and the Kondinskaya group of fields. Total area of licensed subsoil plots is more than 5 thousand km2. As of 01.01.2019 total cluster’s oil reserves of category (АВ1С12С2) is 299 million tons (Reference information from site

П.А. Стулов
Эргинский кластер

February, 03, 2020.  Alexander Vladimirovich Shpilman, Director of Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra "V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of Subsoil", has set to work after extraordinary vacation.

A yacht “Yugra” built in KhMAO, after shipping to Antarctica banks (possible oil-bearing region of the future), got back to Ushuaia, seaport town of South America. Director of Autonomous Institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra "V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of Subsoil" was among the six sailors of the yacht crew.

“Antarctica visiting on occasion of 200th anniversary of the Continent discovering by Russian seamen Bellinsgauzen and Lazarev was my lifelong dream, - A.V. Shpilman said.

The yacht “Yugra”, Viktor Tyurikhin-led, put to sea from Ushuaia, seaport town of South America, on January, 06, 2020. It reached station “Bellinsgauzen” at Antarctica Continent on January, 11, 2020. To get to see firsthand icebergs, to get through storm, to be certain Southern Ocean existence are not all they were impressed.

Few crews even experienced can overcome fabulous Drake Strait, ship to Cape Horn but Viktor Tyurikhin’s crew on the yacht “Yugra” has managed it twice.

The yacht “Yugra” made a journey round the world twice.

Команда яхты "Югра"

Yacht crew "Yugra"

А.В. Шпильман

A.V. Shpilman

Station "Bellinsgauzen"

January, 30, 2020. Successful defense of the scientific report “Research, analytical and information providing of the state authorities of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra in the area of subsoil use” of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” fulfilled on the basis of 2019 region budget resources took place in Khanty-Mansiysk city in accordance with Geological Statement.

Representatives of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” S.N. Alenichev, Yu.V.Kazantsev, N.N. Zakharchenko, A.V. Orenburkin, S.L. Rylchikova and some others took part in the work of the Scientific and Technological Council of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

The report was presented by V.A. Volkov, the Deputy Director on Science.

S.A. Filatov, Director of Subsurface Resources Management Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, took part in the work of the Scientific and Technological Council with the help of video conference communication.

According to the results of the consideration the Scientific and Technological Council of Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra reached a decision to adopt the report unconditionally.


January, 27, 2020. The Department of Core Collection, Storage and Studies of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” was accredited as a testing laboratory. Record number is RA.RU.21NU50.

From January, 21 to January, 24, 2020, Tyumen city. Hearing of subsoil users took place in Tyumen city. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra’s exploration works results of subsoil plots for 2019 and plans for 2020 were reviewed.

The Commission under the chairmanship of A.M. Bulatov, acting the Head of the Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District and co-chairman of A.A. Smirnov considered the issues of 70 subsoil users from 109 announced companies. I.V. Chernyshev, Deputy Director of Department for Geology and Subsoil Licensing of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, L.A. Burdeynaya, Chief Specialist of Solid Mineral Resources, Hydrocarbons and Underground Waters Licensing for the Subsurface Resources Management Department on the Ural Federal District, V.Yu. Morozov,  General Director of Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (ZapSibNIIGG), I.P. Purtova, Deputy General Director on Reserve Estimate, Monitoring and Hydrocarbon Field Development of Federal Autonomous Institution “West Siberian Research and Development Institute of Geology and Geophysics” (ZapSibNIIGG) were among Commission members.

Representatives of subsoil users reported about raw material base, resources base change of subsoil plots, volumes of 2019 exploration works, discovery of new deposits and fields and disappointments during working week. Subsoil users’ plans for 2020 were sufficiently detailed.

As a result of this we would like to note that 39 subsoil users provided no information and missed the hearing are small businesses. There is no activity carried out on their subsoil plots.

December, 20, 2019. Oleynik Elena Vladimirovna defended a thesis in Tyumen Industrial Institute on the subject of “Analysis of the laws of the Bazhenov formation morphology in connection with oil-and-gas content at clinoform thickness of the Neocomian on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra” for taking a degree in geological sciences with a specialization in geology, exploration of oil and gas fields (25.00.12).

Congratulations from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” to Elena Vladimirovna on the successful event and wish her continued progress in scientific research and success in subsoil exploration of the Western Siberia!

On December 19, 2019 Thesis committee D 212.273.05 for thesis defense of Oksenoyd Elena Efimovna on the subject of “Mineral-material composition, character of organic matter and regional prediction of the Bazhenov horizon productivity in central part of West-Siberian oil and gas bearing basin” was held in Tyumen Industrial Institute.

Congratulations from Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” to Elena Efimovna on the successful event and wish her continued creative success, progress in scientific research!

December, 10, 2019. Regular map updating took place on Geoportal YUGRA: group of layers on the map: «Subsoil licensing map of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra territory» were updated as of 01.12.2019.

Комарова Наталья Владимировна

Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova photo from site

November, 18-21, 2019. XXIII Regional, Scientific and Practical Conference "Ways of the Western Siberia’s oil and gas potential realization" took place in Khanty-Mansiysk city.

Сonference’s organizers were Government of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Subsurface Resources Management and Natural Resources Department of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil”.

Wide variety of geological, economic, legal, environmental, informational and organizational issues of the Okrug’s subsoil using and oil industry was covered by participants of the conference. Representatives from Executive Authorities of the Autonomous Okrug, oil companies, geological-exploration and service companies, scientific-research institutes, leading researchers and specialists participated in the conference.

Total attendance of the conference: 195 researchers and specialists from 34 organizations, 9 cities and settlements including representatives from France and the Republic of Belarus.

Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova as Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra delivered an opening speech.

Yuriy Nikolaevich Malyshev, President of Academy of Mining Sciences, presented a plenary report.

Vladimir Borisovich Betelin, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Scientific Officer at Federal State Institution Federal Research Centre of Research Institute for System Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences presented a report on the subject of “Concerning the matter of “Digitalization worldwide trend” that can’t be stopped and it is risky to overlook”.

The Director of Autonomous Institution “V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil” A.V. Shpilman presented a plenary report on the subject of «Present situation of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra’s oil and gas industry».

Thierry Le Maux and Rinat Garifullin from LLC “Beicip-Geotechnology” presented a paper on “Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects: worldwide experience to search for the most efficient technical and economical solutions for oil industry”.

Vladimir Ilich Poroskun from Federal State Budgetary Institution «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute” (VNIGNI)» provided a report of “Oil and gas mineral reserves replacement and regional geological prospecting of Russian Federation”.

Vera Georgievna Batkova (Federal State-Funded Institution “State Reserves Committee”) presented a paper on “Preliminary results of reserves survey”, Aleksandr Stanislavovich Timchuk, Deputy General Director on Science at Federal Autonomous Institution “Western Siberian Scientific-Research Institute of Geology and Geophysics” provided a report of “Is gas condensate “white oil”? Prospects of production and using of the Western Siberian oil-and-gas province’s gas condensate”.

Three sections were held:
Section 1. Geological structure, oil-and-gas content, prospects for development of resource potential.
Section 2. Core and fluid analyses and petrophysics.
Section 3. Issues of oil fields development and exploitation.

54 reports were presented, including 22 poster papers.

This time the participants connected in the round table framework on the subjects on “Bazhen. Palyanovskiy practice ground. Status of the work”, “Subsoil licensing prospects of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra’s unallocated subsoil reserve fund”, “Prospects of tertiary enhanced oil recovery at the Western Siberia”.

An excursion to the core storage facility was organized for all interested participants. The event participants became familiar with Core Research Center’s equipment and the Khanty-Mansiysk’s tourist sights.

The joint Centre / PJSC “Gazpromneft” project “Core Research Center” was most talked. The equipment and variety of core examination are so complex and different that is more than only attracting interest, the results obtained and planned research activities are an important step towards for science and oil industry development. The project was highly commended by Natalya Vladimirovna Komarova, Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, which has been already mentioned at the opening speech.

The new framework of the conference was met with participant’s approval, round tables were popular, and experience exchange in the form of discussion was successful.


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