
Scientific and practical activity

Analysis of nature management state


Information support of the public authorities for solution making in the field of the environmental protection and ecological safety of the Okrug

Accurate information for the program of the licensing of the usage of subsoil areas is updated in materials on ecology, nature management and state of the environment. It is complex maintenance of databases on nature management which allows “in one window” to put information into practice for geological exploration activities, conflict-free coexistence of subsoil users and indigenous minority of the North and as a whole for the planning of social and economic development of the Okrug.

Monitoring and updating of nature management data, mapping with the help of modern GIS and data on Earth remote sensing

Spatial databases of nature management which include specially protected natural areas, territories of traditional natural resource use, land use, environmental restriction of subsoil use, human settlements of the Okrug, bounds of the flood plain of the Ob and the Irtysh were created and have the current status.

The location of working and new flare units with the flaring mode fixation, the number and area of disturbed soils are analyzed with the help of the interpretation of satellite images.

Analysis of the relationship between subsoil users and indigenous minority of the North

In order to prevent conflict situations and resolve the disputes between subsoil users and indigenous minority of the North who live on territories of traditional natural resource use investments of companies of subsoil users in the support of the traditional economic management of indigenous minority of the North are analyzed. Environmental consequences of the impact of fuel and energy complex on territories of traditional natural resource use are analyzed as well.

Specialists of the Department account losses of indigenous minority of the North incurred as a result of business activities of subsoil users.

Analysis and monitoring of works of subsoil users on the spill response of oil, oil products, gas condensate, bottom water on licensed areas of the Okrug

Beginning from 2011 data on pipeline accidents on contaminated and remediated lands, environmental protection and renovation measures are being collected, processed and systemized. As follows from the analysis of the information received from subsoil users summary and recommendation reports and maps are prepared every year. The analysis of reports of oil companies allows viewing the situation not only for a reporting year, but also retrospectively and prospectively which helps to take managerial solutions of controlling public authorities in the sphere of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

Inspection of abandoned and suspended wells

Every year the Government of the Autonomous Okrug inspects abandoned and suspended wells drilled in terms of the realization of the Program for geological study of the subsoil at the expense of the Okrug and belonging to the unallocated subsoil reserve fund.

Beginning from 2017 specialists of the Department inspect such wells. With the help of satellite images specialists define their location and plan routes to deliver a field group. Helicopter, automobile, oversnow means of transport are used. Results of the well inspection with recommendations are reported to the public authorities immediately.

Most important works of the Department in the field of environmental protection and ecological safety of Yugra:

• “Program for environmental improvement of Yugra for the period up to 2010”;
• “Reducing the impact of drilling waste on the environment and its utilization”;
• “Program for development and restructuring of forest sector of Yugra”;
• “Fulfillment of environmental monitoring outside the borders of licensed subsoil areas of the Okrug”;
• “Providing of the latest space remote sensing information for environmental monitoring”;
• “Preliminary estimate of the impact of the development territory of the Subpolar Urals and the development of requirements for placement of production facilities which have admissible impact on the environment” in terms of the megaproject “the Industrial Urals – the Polar Urals”;
• “Pattern of location, use and protection of hunting areas on the territory of KhMAO – Yugra”;
• Publication of the Atlas “Specially protected natural areas and forests of KhMAO” in two volumes and the atlas “Ecology, natural recourses and sociodemographic development of KhMAO – Yugra”.


Aleshin Sergey Aleksandrovich
