Scientific and practical activity

Annual information collection, database maintenance and preparation of information materials:
• concerning volumes of the construction and reconstruction of oil field facilities of the Okrug (status of the infrastructure development of licensed subsoil areas since 2000; number of built facilities (well clusters, objects for gathering, processing, transportation of oil, pipelines of various purpose, oilfield roads, electrical transmission lines, etc.), dynamics of construction and reconstruction of objects on an annual basis);
• concerning actual investments of oil production companies in the construction and reconstruction of oil field facilities along the Okrug (development and support of oil production along all licensed areas of the subsoil since 2000; amount of capital investments in different fields of the infrastructure development and reconstruction);
• concerning volumes and fields of the usage of the oil associated gas and the implementation of the plan of actions on the increase of the utilization level (analysis of the execution of licensing arrangements with regard to the level of the useful usage of the oil associated gas and the implementation of plans of actions of oil companies of Yugra on the increase of the usage level; analytical materials on the status of oil gas utilization for the Okrug as a whole);
• concerning inspection, test and reconstruction of pipelines in terms of oil spill contingency plans (analytical materials on the pipeline operation status and fulfillment of oil spill contingency plans).
Information collection and database maintenance concerning allocation of field facilities construction of oil fields in the Okrug
The database of production infrastructure objects of Yugra which includes main oil and gas pipelines, gathering oil pipelines, gas pipelines for the transportation of oil gas, federal, regional and infield roads with all types of covering, objects for gathering, transportation and processing of oil and associated gas, objects for oil and gas refining, lease automatic custody transfer meters, well clusters was created and has the current status.
Preparation and issuing of thematic maps of the production infrastructure of the Okrug:
• current status of all oil companies of Yugra;• objects for gathering and processing of the oil associated gas of oil companies with measures for efficient use;
• location of flaring systems and volumes of oil associated gas flaring, including across licensed areas;
• new construction and reconstruction of objects of the Okrug;
• оobjects of the reservoir pressure maintenance systems (low and high pressure water pipelines, water supply points for the supporting system of formation pressure, cluster pump stations, mini cluster pump stations and others) and addition of data on accidents (incidents) connected with the bottom water spill;
• status and development of the pipeline system for the oil transportation in Yugra with data on accidents connected with the oil spill.
Study of technical and economic feasibility of investments in the development of the production infrastructure on the ground of mathematical optimization methods and digital surface models

A number of projects on the development of the systems of the production infrastructure was carried out, including:
• development project of the territory of Yuganskaya depression;
• projects of oilfield facilities construction in terms of the agreement on the production sharing in the group of fields of Krasnoleninskiy arch, Vostochno-Palyanovskoe, Orekhovoe, Peschanoe fields and others;
• projects of feasibility of investments in Ombinskoe, Zapadno-Pylinskoe, Yuzhno-Ostrovnoe fields and others;
• feasibility of road network development in Khanty-Mansiysk – Nyagan, Khanty-Mansiysk – Gornopravdinsk.
Assessment of prospects of oil production infrastructure on undeveloped grounds of the Okrug
Measurement of investments in the surface infrastructure development distinguishing the cost value of objects of external infrastructure
and objects of the field facilities construction development for the evaluation of resource base of undeveloped grounds of the Okrug.
Aleshin Sergey Aleksandrovich
☎ (3452)62-18-95
Scientific and practical activity